Last updated on February 19th, 2024 at 05:15 pm
The best prohormones for cutting and getting shredded are those that don’t cause water retention and provide the chiselled, well-defined physique throughout the cycle.
Getting lean and shredded is one of the most popular goals on the gym floor. Every guy wants to get super-lean at least once in his life. And when you decide to do it you’ll want to go all out. After all, there’s no point grinding through a diet and doing extra cardio if you’re only going to get mediocre results at the end of it.
If you’re planning your next cut, you might be wondering whether SARMs or prohormones could help you get that bit leaner than before…
The answer is yes, there are compounds out there that can help you burn more fat, get leaner and – crucially – hang on to muscle whilst you melt away fat.
What are the best prohormones for cutting? Let’s find out.
What Are Prohormones?
Pro hormones are different from SARMs and they are definitely not anabolic steroids either. Prohormones are really “pro-steroids”) because they act as precursors to anabolic growth hormones in your body, encouraging your body to churn out more of those muscle-building, fat burning, strength gaining hormones.
Are Prohormones Legal?
You need to do your research about the legality of prohormones (which is why you’re here!) In the USA, a lot of prohormones were banned under the 2014 Designer Anabolic Steroid Control Act of 2014 in the USA. That said, a few remain outside of this ban. These currently include:
- 1-Androsterone (1-DHEA or 1-androstene-3b-ol-17-one)
- 4-Androsterone (4-DHEA or 4-androstene-3b-ol-17-one)
- 1,4-OHP
- Epiandrosterone (Epi-Andro)
- 6-Keto-progesterone
And do remember that all prohormones are banned by WADA, so if you are planning on doing any tested competitions – included natural or drug-free bodybuilding contest – you won’t be able to use prohormones at all.
How Do Prohormones Help You Get Leaner?
If you are thinking about using prohormones on your next cutting diet, you will want to know exactly how they would potentially help. The best prohormones for cutting and getting shredded are those that don’t cause water retention and provide the chiselled, well-defined physique throughout the entirety of the cycle.
As you know, there are a few factors that lead to some dropping body fat, retaining muscle and rocking that lean, full look.
1 Losing body fat.
The key to this is a calorie deficit, but anything that helps boost the metabolism and hang on to lean muscle will help. The best prohormones for cutting can do both those things.
2 Energy output
The more energy you can burn (as long as you don’t overeat to compensate!) the more fat you’ll lose. Prohormones can give you an energy boost and training endurance.
3 Training intensity
You need to lift heavy and often to burn fat and keep muscle on in a diet. Prohormones give you the energy and drive that you need to train through a deficit.
4 Muscle retention
The more muscle tissue you can retain on a diet, the better you’ll look (and the healthier your metabolic rate will be). Prohormones can help you keep hold of more muscle.
Prohormones act as a precursor to the hormones testosterone and dihydrotestosterone, encouraging your endocrine (hormonal) system – including your pituitary and thyroid glands – to use this excess of anabolic hormones to build more muscle.
The Best Prohormones For Cutting
Here are the three best prohormones for cutting, producing lean/dry gains with no water retention:
- Pumping Iron Pro DMZ is a blend of methylstenbolone and dymethazine for extreme mass and strength gains. Expect dry, hard muscle gains, fast fat loss, amazing pumps and a full lean look to your physique.For advanced users only.
- Pumping Iron M-Tren gives amazingly dry, lean gains in muscle mass so you can expect at increasing strength and visible physique changes, no bloat, no water retention and full muscles. Great for a body recoup or cutting cycle.
- Pumping Iron S-DROL is the original. The legend – extreme gains in size, power, strength, harness, vascularity and fat loss.
When you’re supplementing with prohormones, it’s important that you use the right product depending on your goals. The best prohormones for cutting are considered ‘dry’ compounds.
Prohormones fall into two main categories; wet and dry. A ‘wet’ compound will cause you to retain water during the cycle and generally be bulkier, which aids muscle protein synthesis (these prohormones are usually more potent than the dry compounds). This is great if you’re bulking but not so much if you want visible abs.
The other options are ‘dry’ compounds. These compounds will cause you to shed water and will often increase muscle hardness and fullness, as well as density and vascularity.
Stacking Prohormones
You can stack prohormones or just get the blends such as the Pro-DMZ mentioned above which has done the lab work for you. Unless you are an advanced user, we don’t think it’s worth the risk of working out your own stack when you can buy a combined product that has already been created by experts.
When stacking prohormones, bear in mind that you do not need to run the products at full doses as you would if taken alone.
Prohormone Side Effects
Some people report increased blood pressure, acne, hair loss, liver stress, or reduced HDL cholesterol from prohormone use.
We think the best way to try and avoid any of this is by purchasing quality, trusted products (rather than trying to stack your own), always sticking to the dosage recommendations, never running a super-long cycle and always doing a PCT and natural testosterone booster afterwards to look after your health.
How To Take Prohormones For Dieting
If you buy prohormones from a trusted source, you’ll also be getting the best advice about doses and cycle length. Stick to this advice, don’t be a hero and just rely on the product to do its job.
Remember, even the best prohormones for cutting can’t help you lose fat if you aren’t also dieting. They’re not a magic pill (although they might feel like it!) so be sure you have your diet in check, your training is intense and regular and you stay active with a good step count or extra cardio if you have a sedentary lifestyle.
What’s The Best Cycle Support for Prohormones?
As with any pro-hormone, long term use of prohormones could have adverse effects on your liver, so you should use cycle support such as Pumping Iron High Strength TUDCA.
The Pumping Iron TUDCA is a state of the art liver detox product that works perfectly as a detox product alone or alongside a prohormone cycle. A crucial aspect to successfully running your prohormone cycle is preserving your best health, so you can feel well in your body and revitalised after your post cycle therapy to enjoy your new-found strength and results in the long term.
- Protects the liver and restore natural bile acid production
- Dissolves dietary fats so that they can be more easily broken down by lipases
- Enables absorption of fats and fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K in the gut
- Protects the gut from infection by stimulating the gut immune system
- Break down and eliminate cholesterol gallstones
- Removes excess cholesterol
- Eliminates Bilirubin from the body
- Digests proteins and starches
- Removes toxins from the body
- Protects the gut from infections
- Reduce anxiety and promote sleep
- TUDCA is vastly more superior to Milk Thistle
What’s the Best PCT for Prohormones?
After taking pro hormones you should run a PCT such as Pro PCT (6-OXO).
Pumping Iron Pro PCT (6-OXO) is an advanced SARMs and prohormone PCT that contains 6-OXO, a potent aromatase inhibitor which should only be used by experienced users of SARMs and prohormones. This supplement is intended for male athletes only and shouldn’t be used by women. PRO PCT can be used to prevent estrogen related side effects on-cycle as well as a powerful recovery agent for post cycle therapy (PCT).
- Strongest aromatase inhibitor on the market
- Increases lean muscle mass
- Reduces conversion of testosterone to estradiol
- Supports muscle retention
- Increases testosterone:estrogen ratio
- Suitable for vegans (HMPC Veg Cap)