Ostarine MK-2866: Best SARM for Beginners (2023)

Ostarine MK-2866: Best SARM for Beginners (2024)

Among the different types of SARMs available, Ostarine MK-2866 is considered to be the best SARM for beginners. If you’re new to the world of Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators (SARMs), it can be overwhelming to choose the best one for your needs.

Let’s face it, bodybuilding is a tough business. We all want to get the best results with minimal effort and time invested. That’s why SARMs have become so popular. SARMs are like anabolic steroids in that they can help you build muscle and strength, but with significantly fewer side effects than steroids.

As a beginner, it is essential to select a SARM that is easy to use and has a low risk of side effects, this is the reason that Ostarine is considered the best SARM for beginners or athletes just starting their research with SARMs.

SARMs are revolutionising the bodybuilding industry and giving us hope for a future full of optimal performance without negative consequences for our health. But is this too good to be true?

What are SARMs?

SARMs stands for selective androgen receptor modulators, which basically means they have a similar effect to testosterone when it comes to building muscle, but they only target androgen receptors while leaving other receptors untouched. This makes them safer than traditional anabolic steroids since most of the adverse effects are associated with other types of receptors being activated by the drug (and causing damage to other organs and tissues in the body).

Ostarine, also known as MK-2866, stands out as the best SARM for beginners due to its combination of effectiveness and tolerability. Unlike some other SARMs, Ostarine demonstrates a relatively mild side effect profile while still offering significant benefits, making it ideal for those new to performance-enhancing compounds.

Its ability to preserve lean muscle mass and aid in recovery without causing excessive suppression of natural testosterone production is particularly appealing to beginners looking to enhance their physique without the risk of severe hormonal imbalances.

Ostarine’s versatility further adds to its appeal, as it can be effectively utilized for various fitness goals, including bulking, cutting, and recomposition phases. With its well-documented safety and efficacy backed by extensive research, Ostarine provides beginners with a reliable and confidence-inspiring option as they embark on their fitness journey.

One of the reasons that Ostarine is the best SARM for beginners is due to its very low suppression levels, and in most cases no need for a PCT.

Why is Ostarine MK-2866 the Best SARM for Beginners?

The following factors contribute to Ostarine being regarded as the best SARM for beginners who are looking to dip their toes into the world of selective androgen receptor modulators. However, it’s essential for beginners to research and understand the potential risks and benefits before starting any supplementation regimen.

  1. Mild Side Effects: Ostarine is known for its relatively mild side effect profile compared to other SARMs. This makes it more suitable for individuals who are new to using performance-enhancing compounds.
  2. Effective Muscle Preservation: Ostarine is highly effective at preserving lean muscle mass, which is beneficial for beginners looking to enhance their physique without the risk of muscle loss commonly associated with other compounds.
  3. Improved Recovery: It aids in faster recovery from workouts by reducing muscle soreness and fatigue, allowing beginners to maintain consistency in their training regimen.
  4. Oral Administration: Ostarine is typically taken orally, eliminating the need for injections, which can be daunting for beginners unfamiliar with administering injections.
  5. Minimal Suppression: While all SARMs have the potential to suppress natural testosterone production to some extent, Ostarine is known for causing less suppression compared to other compounds. This means beginners are less likely to experience significant hormonal imbalances.
  6. Versatility: Ostarine is versatile and can be used for various fitness goals, including bulking, cutting, and recomposition phases, making it suitable for beginners who may not have clearly defined goals yet.
  7. Well-Studied: Ostarine has been extensively researched, and its safety and efficacy profile are well-documented, providing beginners with confidence in its use.
Enhanced Athlete Ostarine (MK-2866) 10mg x 60
Enhanced Athlete Ostarine (MK-2866)

Health Benefits of Ostarine

Ostarine, hailed as the “best SARM for beginners,” offers a plethora of health benefits that make it an attractive option for those new to performance enhancement.

  1. Increased Muscle Mass: Ostarine has been shown to increase muscle mass and strength in both men and women. This makes it a popular choice among bodybuilders and athletes who are looking to enhance their performance and achieve their fitness goals.
  2. Improved Bone Health: Ostarine can also help to improve bone health by increasing bone density and strength. This makes it a potential treatment option for osteoporosis, a condition that causes bones to become weak and brittle.
  3. Fat Loss: Ostarine can help to promote fat loss by increasing the body’s metabolic rate and reducing the amount of fat stored in the body.
  4. Increased Endurance: Ostarine can also help to increase endurance and stamina, which can be beneficial for athletes and people who engage in physical activity regularly.
  5. Joint Healing: Ostarine has been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties that can help to promote healing of joints and prevent joint damage.
  6. Improved Heart Health: Ostarine can help to improve heart health by reducing cholesterol levels and improving blood flow.

Ostarine for Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is a condition that causes bones to become weak and brittle, making them more prone to fractures and breaks. Ostarine, also known as MK-2866, is a Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator (SARM) that has shown promise as a potential treatment option for osteoporosis.

In one study, Ostarine was given to postmenopausal women with osteoporosis for 12 weeks. The results showed that Ostarine was effective in increasing bone mineral density and reducing the risk of fractures.

Another study found that Ostarine was effective in preventing bone loss in rats with osteoporosis. The study showed that Ostarine increased bone density and improved bone quality, making bones less prone to fractures.

The Best SARM for Beginners

If you’re a bodybuilder or gym fanatic looking to gain lean muscle without the side effects, then Ostarine (MK-2866) is the go-to SARM for you!

Ostarine is the best SARM for beginners due to being the most well-known SARMs on the market, with an impressive list of health benefits. Furthermore, users can expect improved moods due to its anti-depressant capabilities. All these benefits make it a great choice for bodybuilders seeking remarkable gains in mass and strength with minimal side effects – results backed by scientific studies!

In as little as 4 to 6 weeks users can expect a transformation with up to 3-4kgs in lean gains. Moreover, it’s often stacked with more potent compounds so you can take advantage of its plethora of health benefits while achieving maximum muscle growth potential.

Pumping Iron Ostarine (MK-2866) 10mg x 60 Capsules
Pumping Iron Ostarine (MK-2866)


So what does this mean for bodybuilders now and in the future? Well, one thing is clear—SARMs are here to stay!

With their proven effectiveness and greatly reduced risk of side effects compared to steroids, there’s no doubt that we will continue seeing more people turning towards these drugs for their muscle building needs.

If you’re looking for the best SARM for beginners, this doesn’t mean that you should replace regular exercise with taking pills; rather, it means that you can now supplement your existing workout routine with something that has been scientifically proven to provide real results without risking your health or wellbeing in the process.

So if you’re looking for a way to take your fitness goals up a notch safely and effectively, then you’re in safe hands.

SR9009 All Your Questions Answered (Video)

SR9009 – Complete Guide to Stenabolic (Video)

SR9009, also known as Stenabolic, has gained notoriety in the bodybuilding community as “exercise in a bottle” – could this be the key to athletic performance and fat loss? Be sure to check out this video from Albina (SimplyFit London) to answer all your questions about this extraordinary compound.

What is SR9009?

SR9009, also known as Stenabolic, is a research drug that was developed by professor Thomas Burris of the Scripps Research Institute as an agonist of Rev-ErbA

This metabolic modulator has become increasingly popular in the fitness and bodybuilding communities. It works by binding to the Rev-erb protein, which plays a role in regulating the body’s internal clock. By doing so, SR9009 can activate certain genes that help regulate metabolism, leading to increased energy expenditure and fat loss. Additionally, it is believed to increase endurance and stamina, allowing athletes to train harder and longer.

Let’s take a closer look at this mysterious compound and its potential benefits for athletes.

How Does SR9009 Work?

SR9009 works by binding to the Rev-erb protein, which is responsible for regulating metabolism, lipid homeostasis, circadian rhythm (sleep/wake cycle), stress response, and other key functions of the human body. When SR-9009 binds to this protein, it activates certain genes that help regulate metabolism. This leads to increased energy expenditure, improved fat loss, increased endurance levels, and more efficient glucose uptake into muscle cells—all of which are beneficial for athletes who want to improve their performance.

What Are the Benefits of Taking SR9009?

When taken as directed (under medical supervision), there are several potential benefits associated with taking SR-9009:

  • Improved Endurance & Stamina – Because of its ability to stimulate energy expenditure and metabolic rate, taking SR- 9009 can lead to improved endurance levels during exercise or athletic activities. Additionally, those who take it may experience an increase in their stamina levels due to improved glucose uptake into muscle cells—allowing them to work out longer without feeling fatigued.
  • Increased Fat Loss – As mentioned previously, one of the primary ways that SR-900 9 increases energy expenditure is by stimulating fat loss—which can be beneficial for athletes looking to improve their physique or performance level.
  • Improved Muscle Growth & Strength – Due in part to its ability to improve glucose uptake into muscle cells, taking SR 900 9 can also lead to improved muscle growth & strength—which are essential for athletic performance improvement.

SR9009 FAQ

  1. What is SR9009?

SR9009, also known as Stenabolic, is a synthetic compound, known as a metabolic modulator, which was developed to study the circadian rhythm.

  1. How does SR-9009 work?

SR-9009 works by binding to the Rev-erb protein, which plays a role in regulating the body’s internal clock. By binding to this protein, SR-9009 can activate certain genes that help regulate metabolism, leading to increased energy expenditure and fat loss.

  1. What are the benefits of SR-9009?

The potential benefits of SR-9009 include increased energy expenditure, fat loss, improved endurance and stamina, and improved sleep quality.

  1. Is SR-9009 legal?

SR-9009 is currently not approved for human consumption but is not illegal for research purposes.

  1. Is SR-9009 a steroid?

No, SR-9009 is not a steroid.

  1. Can SR-9009 help with weight loss?

Yes, SR-9009 may help with weight loss by increasing energy expenditure and fat loss. It also has been shown to reduce the amount of cholesterol, triglycerides, insulin and free fatty acids.

  1. What are the potential side effects of SR-9009?

The potential side effects of SR-9009 may include nausea, insomnia, and headaches.

  1. How should SR-9009 be dosed?

The dosing recommendations for SR-9009 vary and are still being studied. However, most researchers will use 10-30mg per day.

  1. How long does it take for SR-9009 to work?

The timeline for SR-9009 to work is not well-established, as research on the compound is still ongoing. However, most research studies show that results begin to show within 1-2 weeks.

  1. Can SR-9009 improve endurance and stamina?

Yes, SR-9009 may improve endurance and stamina by increasing energy expenditure and fat loss.

  1. Can SR-9009 improve sleep quality?

There is some evidence to suggest that SR-9009 may improve sleep quality, but more research is needed to confirm this.

  1. Can SR-9009 cause liver damage?

The long-term effects of SR-9009 on liver function are not well-established, as research on the compound is still ongoing. However, no reports have suggested liver damage.

  1. Is SR-9009 safe for women to use?

Yes, SR9009 can be used by women and does not affect the sex hormones.

  1. Can SR-9009 be stacked with other supplements?

SR9009 is most often stacked alongside GW-501516 but can be used with any other SARM or supplement.

  1. Can SR-9009 be detected in drug tests?

Not most drug tests. However, SR9009 is banned by WADA and can not be used in professional sport or in any tested competitions – that includes drug tested bodybuilding contests.

  1. Is SR-9009 available in capsule form?

SR-9009 is available in various forms, including capsules and liquid.

  1. Can SR-9009 be purchased online?

Yes, SR-9009 can be purchased online from various retailers.

  1. Is SR-9009 a prescription drug?

No, SR-9009 is not a prescription drug.

  1. What is the recommended cycle length for SR-9009?

The recommended cycle length for SR-9009 varies and is still being studied. It is important to speak with a healthcare professional before using any performance-enhancing drug or supplement.

  1. Is SR-9009 effective for bodybuilding?

The effectiveness of SR-9009 for bodybuilding is not well-established, as research on the compound is still ongoing.


In conclusion, while further research is needed on the long term effects of using SARM compounds like SR 900 9 on humans; when used properly under medical supervision it appears that there are numerous potential benefits associated with using this compound – such as increased fat loss; improved endurance & stamina; as well as enhanced muscle growth & strength – all of which could be helpful for athletes looking for an edge over their competition. Just remember: always consult your doctor before starting any new supplement or medication program! With proper guidance from a professional healthcare provider you can decide if this type of product is right for you!

Glucose Disposal Agents: Hidden Secret to Fat Loss (2024)

Are SARMs Legal in UK? (Updated 2024)

Are SARMs Legal in UK? Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators (SARMs) are a class of molecules that act as anabolic agents, meaning they can increase muscle and strength. While SARMs have been found to be effective for bodybuilding and athletic purposes, their legal status in the UK is somewhat unclear.

It’s important to note that the legal status of SARMs can vary by country, and regulations may change over time. Therefore, it’s advisable to stay updated on the latest laws and regulations regarding SARMs in the UK or consult with legal professionals for accurate guidance.

Let’s take a closer look at the legality of SARMs in the UK and what this means for athletes and bodybuilders.

What Are SARMs?

SARMs are a type of drug that has similar effects to anabolic steroids but with fewer side effects. These drugs work by targeting specific areas of the body, such as muscle growth, fat loss, and bone density. They can also help increase strength and endurance without the risk of developing gynecomastia or other side effects associated with anabolic steroids.

SARMs have become increasingly popular among athletes looking for a competitive edge in their respective sports. However, it is important to note that many sporting authorities have banned these drugs due to their potential for performance enhancement. This means that if someone is caught using SARMs for performance-enhancement purposes they could face serious sanctions from sporting authorities.

Are SARMs Legal in UK?

SARMs are not currently approved for human consumption or use as a medicine in the UK. While they are not explicitly listed as controlled substances under the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971, it is illegal to sell them if they are being marketed as such.

While SARMs are not classified as controlled substances like anabolic steroids, their sale for human consumption is prohibited without a license.

SARMs are not currently licensed for human consumption in the UK, meaning they are not approved for use as medicines.

However, possession and sale of SARMs are not explicitly illegal under UK law, which creates a legal gray area.

The MHRA has targeted companies selling SARMs, issuing warnings about potential health risks associated with their use. As such, while SARMs are technically legal to possess and sell in the UK, they cannot be marketed to be used by athletes or bodybuilders. Thus, they are more commonly sold for research purposes only.

That being said, some people continue to use SARMs despite these warnings due to the many science-backed health and performance benefits.

Why are SARMs Legal in UK but not in other countries?

To put it simply, many pharmaceutical companies have an economic interest in propping up steroid use over newer alternatives like SARMs – but luckily we live in a time where tech savvy community members are well-equipped to recognise these deceptive tactics!

With more people educated on their options for safe performance enhancement, there is growing support for SARMs as a viable option that both encourages lasting results without putting your health at risk.

Are SARMs Legal in UK Sports?

If you’re a competitive athlete, you should definitely be wondering ‘are SARMs legal in UK sports?’. Using SARMs for performance enhancement in professional sports carries serious consequences, as these substances can give athletes a significant competitive edge. Sanctions from governing authorities are often implemented to maintain the fairness and integrity of competitions.

Are SARMs Legal in UK Airlines?

Want to fly with your SARMs supplement? Depending on the arrival country’s laws, this is a totally possible option. Just be sure that it complies with any possession and regulations for transport. Don’t forget – pack them away in a clear bag like you would do for liquid or medications when soaring through airports.

Do SARMs Show Up in Drug Tests?

If you are an athlete or have a physical job that requires mandatory drug tests, it’s important to be aware of the effects taking SARMs can have on your results. Although not every type of test is designed to detect these performance enhancers, some sports organisations and employers use more specific criteria which could put individuals at risk if they take them without consideration.

When it comes to SARMs, the body is typically diligent in ensuring they pass through your system quickly. Almost all SARMs, with the exception of S4 and S23, have a half-life of approximately 24 hours. This means that it takes about 10 days for the compound to be excreted by the body. S4 and S23, however, only take about 5 days to get flushed out of the system.

Dark Side of The SARMs Industry

Are you thinking about using SARMs for bodybuilding or performance enhancement? Before you make your decision, remember that the quality and safety of these products can vary between manufacturers. Unfortunately some sellers are more interested in making a profit than protecting consumers from potentially dangerous ingredients which could lead to serious side effects.

When it comes to selecting SARMs for your fitness pursuits, look no further than legal stores that are committed to ethical and responsible practices. Not only will reputable sellers provide valuable advice on the best products available – they’ll also ensure their offering remains in line with all relevant laws.

To stay on the safe side, buy only high-quality SARMs from manufacturers with longevity, those who withstand the test of time, those who have been around for a good few years and with a loyal customer base. The best option is always investing in trusted brands like those available at Pumping Iron Store!


In conclusion, while SARMs are technically legal in the UK at present time, they should not be used by athletes or bodybuilders due to potential risks associated with their use and because it may result in sanctions from sporting authorities.

Ultimately, it’s up to each individual athlete or bodybuilder to decide whether the potential benefits outweigh any potential risks associated with taking these compounds without proper authorisation from a healthcare professional.

For the best and safest experience with SARMs, it’s vital to stay informed on your country’s laws before you purchase. Always ensure that any SARMs products are purchased from a reliable source – not only for quality assurance, but also so you have an understanding of exactly what is in each product.

Rest and Recovery for Maximum Gains

Rest and Recovery for Maximum Gains (100% Success)

Rest and recovery for maximum gains; as any experienced bodybuilder knows, if you want to see real gains, you must give your muscles the time and attention they need to rest and recover between workouts. While you may think that pumping iron all day is the best way to build muscle, in reality, you don’t grow while you are pumping your muscles…you grow while they are resting! That’s why it’s so important to prioritise rest and recovery when it comes to building strength and muscle mass. Let’s take a closer look at why rest days are so important for bodybuilding success.

Rest and Recovery for Maximum Gains

When we exercise, our muscles experience tiny micro-tears from the strain of lifting weights. These micro-tears are normal and even necessary for gaining strength, but they also cause inflammation and soreness in the affected areas. If we don’t give our bodies enough time to recover from these tears, then we risk causing further damage or developing chronic injuries that can prevent us from reaching our goals.

That’s why taking regular rest days is so important; it gives our bodies time to heal without having to work hard or put strain on our muscles. During this period of rest and recovery, your body will release natural anti-inflammatories like cortisol which help reduce pain and swelling while promoting tissue repair. During this period of rest your muscles will absorb more nutrients needed for growth such as protein, carbohydrates, and minerals like calcium. This allows them to become stronger than before — leading directly to bigger gains over time!

Another benefit of taking regular rest days is that it helps reduce stress levels both physically and mentally. After all, pushing yourself too hard can be just as detrimental as not pushing yourself hard enough; burnout can set in quickly if you don’t give yourself adequate time off between workouts (not to mention reduced motivation).

Taking regular breaks helps ensure that your overall energy levels remain high so that you can always perform at your peak when you’re back in the gym again.

Rest, let your body relax and grow

As a bodybuilding icon, Arnold Schwarzenegger is a strong advocate for the importance of rest and recovery in the pursuit of fitness. In fact, he once said, “Rest, let your body relax and grow.” These words ring true for all bodybuilders who are striving to achieve their goals.

Rest and recovery for maximum gains – listen to your body and provide it with the necessary rest and recovery time it needs to repair and rebuild after intense workouts. By doing so, you’ll maximize your gains and prevent injuries, ultimately helping you to achieve your fitness goals more effectively. Remember, rest is just as important as the work you put in at the gym.

The Injury Repair & Recovery Stack

Pumping Iron Injury Repair & Recovery Stack
Pumping Iron Injury Repair & Recovery Stack


The Injury Repair & Recovery Stack combines three of the best healing compounds on the market; MK-677, BPC-157 and TB-500. These compounds stimulate wound healing via various biological mechanisms and have synergistic effects when used together. Clinically developed to boost maximum recovery as well as healing together with adjustability, joint flexibility, and also protection against injury.

  • Increases muscle growth
  • Increases endurance and stamina levels
  • Accelerated healing of ligaments, bones, and tendons
  • Reduces inflammation in autoimmune conditions like rheumatoid arthritis,
  • Promotes hair growth
  • Rapid healing of wounds
  • Improved flexibility of joints
  • Promotes the regeneration of blood vessels
  • Repairs damaged heart tissue following a heart attack
  • Heals ulcers and lesions (including stomach and intestinal ulcers)
  • Protects and restores neurons after brain injury

Read our blog post for more information about TB-500 and BPC-157 Dosages.


All in all, taking regular rest days is one of the most important things any bodybuilder can do if they want to see real gains over time! Not only will it help reduce inflammation and speed up tissue repair so that your muscles grow bigger faster; but it will also help keep stress levels low while ensuring that your energy levels stay high throughout the entire process.

So remember: Rest and recovery for maximum gains, don’t forget those precious moments of rest — they’re just as essential as a good workout!

Glucose Disposal Agent: Ultimate Guide to Shredded Gains (2023)

Glucose Disposal Agent: Ultimate Guide to Shredded Gains (2024)

A high quality Glucose Disposal Agent (GDA) supplement can be the game-changer in your quest for shredded gains. A GDA can improve insulin sensitivity, enhance glucose uptake into muscle cells, and promote glycogen synthesis. By improving nutrient partitioning and reducing fat storage, GDAs have garnered heavy interest among bodybuilders and athletes, and for very good reason. Here’s the ultimate guide to help you utilise this amazing supplement to take your progress to the next level.

What is a Glucose Disposal Agent?

A Glucose Disposal Agent supplement is designed to improve the way the body manages glucose (blood sugar) levels. The primary goal of a GDA is to enhance insulin sensitivity and facilitate the transportation of glucose into muscle cells, rather than storing it as fat. GDAs have gained popularity in the fitness and bodybuilding communities due to their potential benefits in improving nutrient partitioning, enhancing muscle gains, and promoting fat loss.

How does a Glucose Disposal Agent work?

1. Insulin and Glucose Metabolism: Before delving into glucose disposal agents, it’s essential to understand insulin’s role in glucose metabolism. Insulin is a hormone secreted by the pancreas in response to elevated blood glucose levels, such as after eating a meal containing carbohydrates. Insulin acts as a “key” that allows glucose to enter cells, where it can be used for energy or stored for future use.

Insulin resistance is a condition where cells become less responsive to insulin, leading to higher blood glucose levels. When insulin resistance occurs, the body compensates by producing more insulin, potentially leading to chronically elevated insulin levels. High insulin levels can contribute to fat storage and other metabolic issues.

2. Mechanism of Glucose Disposal Agents: GDAs work to improve insulin sensitivity, which means they help cells respond more effectively to insulin’s signaling. They may do this through various mechanisms, including:

a. GLUT4 Translocation: One of the primary mechanisms involves promoting the translocation of glucose transporter type 4 (GLUT4) to the cell surface. GLUT4 is responsible for facilitating glucose entry into muscle and fat cells. GDAs may enhance this process, allowing more glucose to be transported into muscle cells for energy use and glycogen storage, rather than being converted to fat.

b. Increased Glycogen Synthesis: GDAs can stimulate the synthesis of glycogen, the stored form of glucose in muscles and the liver. Increased glycogen storage can enhance endurance, strength, and recovery during workouts.

c. Inhibition of Glucose Production: Some GDAs may also reduce the liver’s production of glucose, further aiding in maintaining balanced blood sugar levels.

d. Enhanced Fat Oxidation: Some GDAs have been proposed to promote fat oxidation (fat burning) and reduce fat storage by improving insulin sensitivity.

What are the best Glucose Disposal Agents on the market?

Several ingredients have been researched and shown promising results as Glucose Disposal Agents in terms of improving insulin sensitivity and glucose uptake into cells. Here are some of the best GDA ingredients known at that time:

  1. Alpha-Lipoic Acid (ALA): ALA is a potent antioxidant that has been extensively studied for its potential benefits in improving insulin sensitivity. It may enhance glucose uptake into cells and reduce oxidative stress, making it one of the popular GDA ingredients.
  2. Berberine: Berberine is a bioactive compound found in several plants. It has been used in traditional medicine for various purposes, including improving glucose metabolism and insulin sensitivity. Studies suggest that berberine activates AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK), which plays a role in glucose uptake and energy regulation.
  3. Cinnamon Extract: Cinnamon is a popular spice known for its potential to improve insulin sensitivity. Cinnamon extracts, particularly those high in bioactive compounds like cinnamaldehyde, have been studied for their glucose-lowering effects.
  4. Fenugreek: Fenugreek is an herb that has been researched for its potential to lower blood sugar levels and improve insulin sensitivity. It contains soluble fiber and compounds like trigonelline that may contribute to its GDA properties.
  5. Chromium: Chromium is an essential mineral that plays a role in carbohydrate and lipid metabolism. Some studies suggest that chromium supplementation may improve insulin sensitivity and glucose disposal.
  6. Bitter Melon (Momordica charantia): Bitter melon is a tropical fruit that has been traditionally used in various cultures to manage blood sugar levels. It contains compounds with potential GDA properties, such as charantin and polypeptide-p.
  7. Gymnema Sylvestre: Gymnema sylvestre is an herb known as the “sugar destroyer.” It has been used in traditional medicine for its potential to reduce sugar absorption in the intestine and enhance insulin function.
  8. R-Alpha-Lipoic Acid (R-ALA): R-ALA is the biologically active form of alpha-lipoic acid. Some studies suggest that R-ALA may be more effective than the regular form in improving insulin sensitivity and glucose uptake.
  9. Vanadium: Vanadium is a trace mineral that has been studied for its potential insulin-like effects, which may help improve glucose metabolism.
  10. Chitosan: Chitosan is a fiber derived from the shells of crustaceans. Some research suggests that it may improve insulin sensitivity and reduce blood sugar levels.

Does a Glucose Disposal Agent help with muscle growth?

A high quality Glucose Disposal Agent can contribute to muscle growth by improving nutrient partitioning and enhancing insulin sensitivity. While GDAs themselves do not directly promote muscle growth like traditional muscle-building supplements (e.g., protein powders, creatine), they can play a supportive role in the process. Here’s how a glucose disposal agent may help with muscle growth:

1. Improved Nutrient Partitioning: Nutrient partitioning refers to how the body allocates and utilizes nutrients, such as carbohydrates and amino acids. GDAs may help direct a larger portion of the nutrients, particularly glucose and amino acids, toward muscle cells for growth and repair instead of storing them as fat. This can create a more favorable environment for muscle development.

2. Increased Glycogen Storage: GDAs can enhance glycogen synthesis, the storage form of glucose in muscles and the liver. Having ample glycogen reserves is essential for providing energy during workouts and promoting muscle recovery and growth post-exercise.

3. Enhanced Insulin Sensitivity: GDAs work to improve insulin sensitivity, which means the body becomes more responsive to insulin’s signaling. Higher insulin sensitivity allows for more efficient nutrient uptake into muscle cells, especially after a meal, when nutrient absorption is essential for muscle recovery and growth.

4. Better Post-Workout Recovery: By promoting better nutrient uptake and glycogen storage, GDAs can aid in post-workout recovery. Enhanced recovery supports muscle repair and growth, as muscles often grow stronger during the recovery phase.

5. Potential Reduction in Fat Gain: Some GDAs have been associated with reduced fat storage and improved fat oxidation. By minimizing fat gain and promoting a leaner body composition, GDAs may indirectly enhance the appearance of muscle definition.

Can GDAs improve insulin sensitivity?

Yes, Glucose Disposal Agents can improve insulin sensitivity. In fact, improving insulin sensitivity is one of the main mechanisms through which GDAs are believed to exert their effects.

Insulin sensitivity refers to how responsive the cells in your body are to insulin’s signaling. When you have good insulin sensitivity, your cells effectively take up glucose from the bloodstream in response to insulin, helping to regulate blood sugar levels. On the other hand, insulin resistance occurs when cells become less responsive to insulin, leading to higher blood sugar levels and potentially contributing to various metabolic issues, including type 2 diabetes and weight gain.

GDAs work to enhance insulin sensitivity through various mechanisms, including:

1. GLUT4 Translocation: One of the primary mechanisms involves promoting the translocation of glucose transporter type 4 (GLUT4) to the cell surface. GLUT4 is responsible for transporting glucose into cells, particularly muscle and fat cells. GDAs may enhance this process, making cells more responsive to insulin and improving glucose uptake.

2. Activation of AMPK: Some GDAs, such as berberine, have been shown to activate AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK). AMPK is an enzyme that plays a crucial role in energy regulation and metabolism. Activating AMPK can enhance insulin sensitivity and glucose uptake into cells.

3. Reduced Gluconeogenesis: GDAs may help reduce the liver’s production of glucose, a process known as gluconeogenesis. By limiting excess glucose production, blood sugar levels can be better controlled, reducing the demand for insulin.

4. Improved Fat Oxidation: Some GDAs have been associated with increased fat oxidation (fat burning), which can help reduce intracellular lipid accumulation and improve insulin sensitivity.

By improving insulin sensitivity, GDAs help the body more efficiently manage glucose, which can have several benefits, including:

  • Lowering blood sugar levels and reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes.
  • Promoting better nutrient partitioning, directing nutrients like glucose and amino acids toward muscle cells for growth and recovery.
  • Enhancing glycogen storage in muscles, improving exercise performance and recovery.
  • Supporting weight management and reducing the likelihood of excess fat storage.

Are there any side effects from Glucose Disposal Agents?

Glucose Disposal Agents are generally considered safe for most healthy individuals when used as directed. However, like any supplement, GDAs may have potential side effects, especially when taken in excessive amounts or by individuals with certain medical conditions. It’s essential to be aware of possible side effects and consult with a healthcare professional before using GDAs, particularly if you have any underlying health issues or are taking medications. Some potential side effects include:

  1. Hypoglycemia, more likely to occur if GDAs are taken alongside medications or other supplements that lower blood sugar levels
  2. Digestive Issues such as bloating and gastrointestinal discomfort
  3. Allergic Reactions in some people
  4. Liver and Kidney Function at high doses and extended periods of time

When is the best time to take a Glucose Disposal Agent?

The best time to take a Glucose Disposal Agent can vary depending on your specific goals and individual needs. It is essential to follow the manufacturer’s instructions and, if available, consult with a healthcare professional or a certified nutritionist for personalized guidance. Here are some general guidelines for when to take a GDA:

1. With Carbohydrate-Containing Meals: GDAs are commonly taken with meals that contain carbohydrates. This is because GDAs are designed to help improve insulin sensitivity and enhance glucose uptake into cells, particularly muscle cells. Taking GDAs with carbohydrate-rich meals can optimize their effects on nutrient partitioning, directing glucose and nutrients toward muscle cells for potential muscle growth and recovery.

2. Pre-Workout: Some individuals prefer taking GDAs before their workout, especially if they are consuming a pre-workout meal that includes carbohydrates. The idea behind this approach is to enhance nutrient delivery and glycogen storage in muscles, providing extra energy for the upcoming workout.

3. Post-Workout: Others choose to take GDAs post-workout, along with a post-workout meal or shake containing carbohydrates and protein. This can aid in replenishing glycogen stores in muscles and facilitating recovery and muscle repair.

4. During High-Carb Days: For individuals following a cyclical or targeted ketogenic diet, where they have designated days of higher carbohydrate intake, taking a GDA on those high-carb days may help manage blood sugar levels and promote nutrient uptake.

5. On Refeed Days: Similarly, individuals who follow intermittent fasting or calorie-restricted diets might incorporate “refeed” days or meals where they consume higher amounts of carbohydrates. Taking GDAs on these refeed occasions can support the body’s response to the sudden increase in glucose intake.

6. Before Cheat Meals: Some individuals use GDAs before cheat meals or larger indulgent meals to help manage blood sugar levels and potentially minimize the impact of excess carbohydrates.

To maximize the benefits, it’s crucial to maintain a balanced diet, engage in regular exercise, and consider other lifestyle factors that can influence insulin sensitivity and glucose metabolism.

Enhanced Labs SLIN (120 Capsules)
Enhanced Labs SLIN (120 Capsules)

Can a glucose disposal agent help with fat loss?

While GDAs themselves do not directly promote fat loss like traditional fat burners or thermogenic supplements, their effects on insulin sensitivity and glucose metabolism may offer some benefits for individuals aiming to lose body fat. Here’s how GDAs may be related to fat loss:

1. Improved Nutrient Partitioning: By enhancing nutrient partitioning, GDAs may help reduce the amount of glucose and nutrients being stored as fat and instead direct them toward muscle cells. This can create a more favorable environment for maintaining or increasing lean muscle mass while reducing fat storage.

2. Reduced Fat Gain: GDAs may potentially minimize the impact of high-carbohydrate meals on fat storage. By improving insulin sensitivity, GDAs can help prevent excessive spikes in blood sugar levels and the subsequent release of insulin, which is associated with fat storage.

3. Increased Muscle Mass: As GDAs support muscle growth and recovery by promoting glucose uptake into muscle cells, having more lean muscle mass can contribute to a higher resting metabolic rate, potentially aiding in fat loss efforts.

4. Energy Utilization: GDAs may help improve the body’s ability to utilize glucose for energy during exercise. This can enhance workout performance and calorie expenditure during physical activity, which may contribute to fat loss.

Are GDAs suitable for individuals with diabetes?

The use of Glucose Disposal Agents in individuals with diabetes should be approached with caution, and it’s essential to consult with a healthcare professional before considering their use. GDAs can have effects on glucose metabolism, insulin sensitivity, and blood sugar levels, which may interact with medications and the individual’s existing diabetes management plan.

Are GDAs effective for post-workout recovery?

A Glucose Disposal Agent can play a supportive role in post-workout recovery, but their effectiveness may depend on various factors and individual responses. GDAs primarily work by improving insulin sensitivity and promoting the uptake of glucose into cells, particularly muscle cells. This can have several potential benefits for post-workout recovery:

1. Glycogen Replenishment: After a workout, muscles may have depleted their glycogen stores, which are the stored form of glucose used for energy during exercise. GDAs may enhance glycogen synthesis, facilitating the replenishment of glycogen in muscle cells, leading to faster recovery and improved performance for subsequent workouts.

2. Nutrient Uptake: GDAs can improve nutrient partitioning, directing glucose and nutrients toward muscle cells rather than fat cells. This can facilitate the uptake of essential nutrients, such as amino acids from protein, into muscle tissue for repair and recovery.

3. Insulin Response: GDAs may support a more controlled and efficient insulin response after a workout. Proper insulin sensitivity can help manage blood sugar levels and optimize nutrient delivery to muscles, aiding in recovery and reducing the risk of excessive fat storage.

4. Reduced Muscle Soreness: Enhanced post-workout nutrient uptake and glycogen replenishment can contribute to reduced muscle soreness and faster recovery between workouts.

However, it’s important to note that GDAs are not a substitute for a well-rounded post-workout recovery plan. The most critical factors for effective post-workout recovery include:

1. Nutrition: Consuming a balanced meal or post-workout shake that includes protein, carbohydrates, and some healthy fats can support muscle recovery and glycogen replenishment.

2. Hydration: Proper hydration is crucial for overall recovery and performance. Drink enough water throughout the day and after workouts.

3. Rest and Sleep: Allow sufficient time for rest and recovery between intense workouts. Sleep is a critical component of the recovery process.

4. Active Recovery: Engage in light activities like walking or gentle stretching to promote blood flow to muscles and reduce stiffness.

5. Protein Intake: Ensure you consume an adequate amount of protein to support muscle repair and growth.

GDAs can be used as part of a post-workout recovery strategy to optimize nutrient uptake and glycogen replenishment. However, individual responses may vary, and their effects should be considered alongside other essential recovery practices.

How long does a Glucose Disposal Agent take to show results?

The time it takes to see results from using Glucose Disposal Agent can vary depending on several factors, including individual physiology, diet, exercise regimen, and the specific GDA being used. As with most supplements, results are not typically instantaneous, and patience and consistency are essential.

9 Important Vitamins and Minerals Essential for Bodybuilding and Strength

9 Important Vitamins and Minerals Essential for Bodybuilding and Strength

9 important vitamins and minerals can make or break your bodybuilding and strength endeavours.

Micronutrients are essential for optimal health and performance. These nutrients, including vitamins and minerals, play crucial roles in various bodily functions such as energy metabolism, immune system function, and tissue repair. Here, we will discuss 9 important vitamins and minerals that are essential for optimal performance. We also list which foods will provide you with the highest daily intake.

9 important vitamins and minerals

Maintaining optimal health and performance requires a nutrient-rich diet containing essential vitamins and minerals. By incorporating diverse food sources into your regimen, you can be sure to get the needed amounts of these key elements for wellbeing. Here is our list of 9 important vitamins and minerals:


Iron is an essential nutrient for athletes, providing oxygen and energy to active muscles. To ensure maximum absorption, pair your meals like legumes or grains that contain Iron with vitamin C rich fruits and veggies – this can help increase uptake up 4-6 times more than usual! Avoid caffeine beverages alongside; even something seemingly harmless such as coffee could impede iron absorption if consumed together .

Vegans may struggle with their iron levels as non-heme plants sources are not as easily absorbed by the body compared to heme from meat products.

How much do you need? men: 8 mg/day, women: 18 mg/day

Get it from:

  • 1 serving 50% fortified breakfast cereals – 9 mg or 50% of your daily value
  • 3 oz oysters – 8 mg or 44% of your daily value
  • 3 oz dark chocolate – 7 mg or 39% of your daily value
  • ½ cup lentils – 3 mg or 17% of your daily value
  • ½ cup tofu – 3 mg or 17% of your daily value
  • 1/2 cup kidney beans – 2 mg or 11% of your daily value

Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 helps fuel your body for optimal performance! It’s essential for the production of red blood cells that carry oxygen to muscles, as well protein synthesis – key processes in building and maintaining muscle. Not meeting adequate intake can mean anemia and seriously decreased energy levels, especially among vegan athletes or those who limit their caloric intake. Ensure you stay on top of Vitamin B12 needs to be at peak athletic conditioning!

How much do you need? 2.4 mcg/day

Get it from:

  • 3 oz salmon – 4.8 mcg or 200% of your daily value
  • 3 oz tuna – 2.5 mcg or 104% of your daily value
  • 3 oz beef – 1.4 mcg or 58% of your daily value
  • 1 cup milk- 1.2 mcg or 50% of your daily value
  • 1 large egg – 0.6 mcg or 25% of your daily value

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is essential for athletes to maintain healthy muscle function, strength and performance. Even though it can be stored in the body after absorbing sunlight, foods such as eggs or seafood are great sources of natural vitamin D. At the same time, vegans may also want to consider fortified plant milks and cereals along with direct exposure to sun rays as a way of obtaining their recommended daily intake of this nutrient.

How much do you need? 600 IUs/day

Get it from:

  • 3 oz. salmon – 715 IUs or 119% of your daily value
  • 1 cup fortified orange juice – 137 IUs or 23% of your daily value
  • 1 cup fortified milk – 115 IUs or 19% of your daily value
  • 1 large egg – 41 IUs or 7% of your daily value


Staying physically active is a sure-fire way to maintain your health, but there’s one mineral that can help keep you strong and energised: calcium. For regular gymrats, this crucial nutrient gives your muscles the power they need for each contraction while also helping promote healthy bones in the long term. Additionally, studies have indicated dairy products high in calcium may be able to aid with weight loss by increasing fat burning – something we could all use more of!

How much do you need? 1,000 mg/day

Get it from:

  • 1 cup plain yogurt – 415 mg or 42% of your daily value
  • 1.5 ounces mozzarella cheese – 333 mg or 33% of your daily value
  • 3 oz canned sardines – 325 mg or 33% of your daily value
  • 1 cup fortified orange juice – 345 mg or 35% of your daily value
  • 1 cup fortified soy milk – 299 mg or 30% of your daily value
  • 1 cup milk – 275 mg or 28% of your daily value
  • ½ cup tofu – 138 mg or 14% of your daily value
  • ½ cup turnip greens – 99 mg or 10% of your daily value


Magnesium plays a vital role in our bodies, helping to promote optimal muscle function and bone formation while aiding energy metabolism. Athletes need even more magnesium due to the amount lost through sweat. Unlike some other nutrients whose daily needs can be satisfied from 2 to 3 servings of rich sources, most foods containing magnesium only provide 10-20% of your daily value, so including a variety of sources in your diet is key.

How much do you need? men: 420 mg/day, women: 320 mg/day

Get it from:

  • 3 oz almonds – 80 mg or 20% of your daily value
  • ½ cup cooked spinach – 78 mg or 20% of your daily value
  • 3 oz cashews – 74 mg or 19% of your daily value
  • ½ cup black beans – 60 mg or 15% of your daily value
  • 2 tbsp peanut butter – 49 mg or 12% of your daily value
  • ½ cup brown rice – 42 mg or 11% of your daily value


With zinc being an essential mineral for numerous bodily processes, it’s important to ensure you’re getting enough in your diet. Athletes may be particularly at risk of deficiency due its role in muscle recovery – fatigue and a decrease in performance can indicate that more zinc is needed! Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to get the necessary daily intake; shellfish and meat provide some great sources while plant-based eaters should look towards fortified foods or nuts/beans as alternatives.

How much do you need? men: 11 mg/day, women: 8 mg/day

Get it from:

  • 3 oz oysters – 74 mg or 493% of your daily value
  • 3 oz king crab – 6.5 mg or 43% of your daily value
  • 3 oz beef patty – 5.3 mg or 35% of your daily value
  • 1 serving 25% fortified breakfast cereals – 3.8 mg or 25% of your daily value
  • 3 oz dark meat chicken – 2.4 mg or 16% of your daily value
  • ½ cup baked beans – 2.9 mg or 19% of your daily value
  • 1 ounce cashews – 1.6 mg or 11% of your daily value


Iodine is necessary for the production of thyroid hormones, which play a role in metabolism. A deficiency can lead to decreased metabolism and fatigue. Good food sources include seafood and fortified foods.

How much do you need? men and women: 150mcg/day, pregnant women: 220mcg/day, and lactating women 290mcg/day

Get it from: 

    • 3 oz (85 grams) cod – 63–99 mcg, or 42–66% of your daily value
    • 1 cup (8 ounces) milk – 88-168 mcg, or 59–112% of your daily value
    • 1 cup cottage cheese – 65 mcg, or 43% of your daily value
    • 3 oz shrimp – 35 mcg, or 23% of your daily value
    • 1 large egg – 24 mcg, or 16% of your daily value
    • 3 oz tuna  – 17 mcg, or about 11% of your daily value


Keeping your body in balance is important for overall health, and potassium plays an essential role. An electrolyte powerhouse, this mineral aids with hydration, recovery and even helps to stave off muscle cramps – especially when you perspire more than usual. Fortunately it’s not hard to get enough of the nutrient; many plant-based foods provide a great source of potassium beyond bananas!

How much do you need? 4,700 mg/day

Get it from:

  • ½ cup dried apricots – 1,101 mg or 31% of your daily value
  • 1 cup lentils – 731 mg or 21% of your daily value
  • ½ cup raisins – 618 mg or 18% of your daily value
  • 1 medium baked potato – 610 mg or 17% of your daily value
  • 1 cup kidney beans – 607 mg or 17% of your daily value
  • 1 cup orange juice – 496 mg or 14% of your daily value
  • 1 medium banana – 422 mg or 12% of your daily value

Vitamin E

Athletes who often participate in endurance and high intensity training may be at an increased risk of developing upper respiratory infections due to the “open window” theory. This suggests that their immune system could become suppressed for multiple hours after exercising, leaving them more vulnerable to infection.

Eating a nutritious diet full of vitamins C & E may help prevent this from occurring; vitamin E acts as a powerful antioxidant helping lessen physical strain while also improving aerobic fitness levels.

How much do you need? 15 mg/day

Get it from:

  • 1 Tbsp wheat germ oil – 20 mg or 133% of your daily value
  • 1 oz sunflower seeds – 7.4 mg or 50% of your daily value
  • 1 oz almonds – 7 mg or 47% of your daily value
  • 2 tbsp peanut butter – 3 mg or 20% of your daily value
  • ½ cup cooked spinach – 2 mg or 13% of your daily value


In conclusion, these 9 important vitamins and minerals are essential for optimal health and performance. Incorporating a variety of nutrient-dense foods in your diet can help ensure that you get an adequate intake of these essential nutrients. Consult a healthcare professional or registered dietitian if you have any concerns about your nutrient intake or if you are considering taking supplements.

10 Surprising Benefits of MK-677 (Ibutamoren): Side Effects, Dosage, Timing (2023)

10 Surprising Benefits of MK-677: Side Effects, Dosage Review (2024)

10 Surprising Benefits of MK-677 – here is the low down with full review of the possible side effects, correct dosages and timing.

For serious athletes looking to optimise performance, MK 677 may be the answer. This popular product is a growth hormone secretagogue with powerful effects on one’s IGF-1 and GH levels – two hormones crucial for building strong muscles. Forget SARMs; you need this “secret” agent if you’re ready to take your bodybuilding game up a notch!

What is MK-677?

MK-677, also known as Ibutamoren, is a powerful growth hormone secretagogue that can help boost muscle tissue development. It has gained popularity in recent years amongst bodybuilders and gym fans for its natural ability to aid in the production of growth hormones without interfering with other biological processes.

MK-677 has been clinically studied and proven to be effective at assisting with hormone deficiencies such as reduced bone density, while at the same time providing short-term anabolic effects.  Additionally, it can also be used as a nootropic agent (a drug or supplement used to improve cognitive functioning), helping users with improved sleep and cognitive function.

How does MK-677 Work?

MK-677 works by binding to receptors in the brain that are responsible for releasing hormones like Growth Hormone (GH) and Insulin Like Growth Factor 1 (IGF-1). By doing this, it increases the body’s natural release of these hormones which help to promote healthy fat loss and muscle gain.

For those looking to build muscle or lose weight, this can prove extremely beneficial since GH helps stimulate protein synthesis and IGF-1 helps promote cell growth in muscles; leading to improved athletic performance.

Additionally, since it does not interfere with other biological processes or cause testosterone suppression – unlike other steroids – MK 677 is considered safe for long term use.

MK-677 Dosage and Timing

When taking MK 677, its 24-hour half life should be considered carefully. With an initial spike in growth hormone levels, you may find yourself feeling lethargic and drowsy further down the line. Our suggestion? Split your dose into two or take it all before bed – that way you can power through the day without sacrificing a good night’s rest!

Pumping Iron Ibutamoren (MK-677) 10mg x 60 Capsules
Pumping Iron Ibutamoren (MK-677) 10mg x 60


Read on to see the 10 Surprising Benefits of MK-677 making it the best-selling supplement today.

10 Surprising Benefits of MK-677

MK-677 has been coined the ‘fountain of youth’ – and rightfully so! This powerful compound not only aids in cultivating muscle mass and muscular strength; it can also promote overall wellbeing and cognitive function – transforming your body from the inside out. Here are 10 surprising benefits of MK-677:

1. Building Lean Muscle Mass

MK 677 has been suggested to be a powerful stimulant for muscle growth. Studies suggest it can trigger the production of two hormones which act in synergy – growth hormone and IGF-1 from your pituitary gland and liver respectively. This action could lead to an increase in strength, improved recovery time as well as positive changes on body composition (6-8lbs of extra lean mass over 6- 8 weeks based on oral doses).

A study conducted with 24 obese men revealed impressive results such as increased basal metabolic rate upon taking MK677 twice daily for 2 months.

2. Prevents Muscle Catabolism

An exciting study recently revealed that MK 677, a treatment option for reversing muscle wasting and protein loss, brought about remarkable improvements in elderly patients with hip fractures. Even more enthralling was the fact it already demonstrated success when tested on 8 food-deprived volunteers during an intensive double blind control trial – showing great promise as a viable solution to improve physical health.

3. Increases Fat Loss

Growth hormones are probably the only hormone which can help you to burn both visceral AND subcutaneous fat whilst helping you to build up lean muscle mass.

4. Improves Bone Density

Ibutamoren has shown promising evidence in the fight against bone-related conditions. It works by firstly reducing and then increasing turnover rate of bones over a period of 12 months, helping to strengthen them overall.

Studies have seen positive results when taken by obese men as well as elderly participants aged 65 years or more; all showing improved bone health and density – making it an ideal choice for treatment such as osteoporosis. Women too can benefit from this revolutionary new supplement with clinical studies reporting stronger mineral densities post-menopausal women taking MK 677 supplements!

5. Promotes Quality of Sleep

Get a good night’s sleep and gain strength even faster with MK 677, an effective nootropic that may improve both the length and quality of your REM cycle. With its neuroprotective properties supporting heightened cognitive function, take advantage of this supplement for not only better rest but improved health too!

6. Improves Hair, Skin and Nails

MK-677 can do wonders for your skin and hair – even in low doses! Studies have shown that GH has the power to revitalise your complexion whilst also strengthening the hair, skin and nails… giving you a healthier glow.

7. Promotes GH Longevity

After reaching adulthood, our bodies naturally produce less Growth Hormone (GH). To combat this shrinkage of GH levels in elderly men, researchers put 65 participants on a daily dose regimen of MK-677 – the results were staggering. These brave volunteers experienced an increase to their IGF-1 and GH numbers after only a month!

8. Improves Brain Function

MK-677 has the potential to unleash your full cognitive potential. Studies have shown that its two primary functions can drastically improve memory and learning, increase IGF-1 levels, as well as facilitate deep REM sleep – essential for optimal brain health. Take the steps towards better mental power today!

9. Prevent Growth Hormone Deficiency in Children

Studies have demonstrated that MK-677 can effectively boost key hormones in children with hormone deficiencies.

It has the potential to prevent growth issues without interfering with other important bodily functions like insulin, cortisol and thyrotropin production; making it a great treatment option for young people struggling to grow.

However, adults may not be so lucky as research found elevated levels of glucose or insulin when utilising this therapy – meaning further caution is advised before use by those over 18 years old.

10. Speeds up Recovery, Healing and Injury Repair

MK-677 promotes rapid recovery and injury repair by boosting Growth Hormone (GH) levels. This helps rebuild damaged tissues quickly, allowing athletes to get back in the game sooner than expected!

MK-677 Side Effects

MK 677 has become a popular supplement for bodybuilders, gym fanatics, and fitness buffs alike. In theory, it sounds like the perfect supplement – no testosterone suppression, no aromatization, nothing. But is MK 677 entirely safe? Let’s take a look at what you need to know about side effects and dosages before deciding if this is the right supplement for you.

Possible Side Effects of High Dosage

In completely healthy individuals, MK 677 is considered safe. The only possible side effects you may experience are muscle cramps, increased appetite and edema; these usually only crop up when you’ve taken too high a dosage of Ibutamoren. They will naturally disappear once you stop taking MK-677.

Side Effects in Healthy Individuals

When taken in recommended doses (between 10mg-25mg per day), Ibutamoren should be relatively free of side effects for healthy adults who are looking to boost their HGH levels without resorting to injections or other more risky methods such as steroids or growth hormone stimulants.

It should be noted that women tend to require smaller amounts than men due to their lower tolerance level; they should start with 5mg per day and gradually work up from there – never exceeding 25mg per day even if they feel no negative effects.

Insulin Issues in Less Healthy Individuals

Unfortunately, though it is considered safe for most people who use it correctly, those who aren’t 100% healthy may experience insulin issues. Several studies have shown that MK 677 reduces participants’ insulin sensitivity whilst raising their fasting blood glucose and blood pressure levels.

Additionally, some users have reported swollen joints, numb/tingling skin, joint pain, water retention and lethargy as a result of taking Ibutamoren MK 677. These effects are usually caused by high dosages or by those with pre-existing medical conditions taking the supplement without consulting their doctor first.


With its ability to reverse catabolism, increase lean muscle mass, improve sleep quality and cognitive functions; there are plenty of reasons why so many bodybuilders are turning towards this compound as their go-to choice when trying to achieve their desired results from the gym.

Overall, when taken correctly MK 677 can be an incredibly effective way of boosting your HGH levels without any serious side effects – but it isn’t entirely risk free either.

If you are not 100% healthy then there may be some risks associated with taking this supplement so it’s always best to speak with your doctor first before beginning any supplementation plan involving Ibutamoren MK 677 – particularly if you have existing medical conditions which could make taking this product potentially dangerous for your health.

Ultimately though – done correctly – this product can be a great way to increase your natural growth hormone levels and reap all the benefits that come along with that!

GW-0742 Super Cardarine

GW-0742 (Cardabol): Super Cardarine

GW-0742 (Cardabol) has been creating quite a buzz in the bodybuilding industry, gaining notoriety with its potential to be more potent than Cardarine. Bodybuilding enthusiasts have been eagerly discussing the new muscle-boosting compound (which isn’t actually a SARM although often classed in the same category), that has recently made its way onto the market. With a lot of interest and anticipation, this is an exciting development in fitness circles!

But what exactly is GW0742, how does it compare to Cardarine, and which one is more effective? Let’s take a look!

What is GW-0742?

GW0742 and Cardarine both belong to a class of compounds known as PPAR delta agonists. This means that they activate the PPAR delta receptor in our cells, which helps to increase fat oxidation and reduce insulin resistance. The two compounds are very similar but have one key difference; the chemical structure of GW0742 includes an additional atom compared to Cardarine. This small change could potentially mean big differences in their potency!

Narrows Labs GW-0742 (Cardabol) Super Cardarine
Narrows Labs GW-0742 (Cardabol) Super Cardarine

Benefits of GW-0742

With ongoing research, GW0742 is emerging as a potential asset for athletes looking to improve their endurance levels. This new compound has already shown similar benefits to cardarine – but the good news doesn’t end there! Further studies could reveal even more advantages of this breakthrough performance enhancer.

  • Lowers total cholesterol
  • Reduces inflammation in the gut
  • Improves lipid profile
  • Intensifies the loss of adipose tissue
  • Provides noticeable results after the first dose
  • It is versatile and can be combined with other SARMs

A study performed on rats has shown that GW0742 has the ability to reverse cholesterol transport.

GW0742 has been scientifically proven to reduce cholesterol levels in rats, initiating an impressive reverse transport process. This revolutionary finding means that the excess cholesterol is safely removed from our bodies through natural excretion methods.

Intestinal inflammation can be a debilitating and painful condition, but research has found that GW0742 may provide some relief. This promising breakthrough could help countless people find comfort from the physical effects of gut irritation.

Does GW0742 Cause Cancer?

This is an important question to consider and one that certainly deserves further research.

Despite some people’s belief, Cardarine does not cause cancer – a fact which has been thoroughly examined here. Therefore it would follow for this inquiry about whether or not GW0742 causes tumors to arise as well.

Thankfully, past studies conducted on rodents with quite high doses (as much as 30mgs/kg) have failed to show any indication of carcinogenic risk when using GW0742; however more investigation into its effects should still be done before drawing final conclusions regarding long-term safety in humans.

What does GW-0742 Do?

Both GW0742 and Cardarine are used by athletes who want to improve their endurance levels. They work by turning fat into energy sources that can fuel our muscles during exercise, allowing us to go further for longer without becoming fatigued.

This means that GW0742 should technically be amazing when it comes to increasing endurance in athletes.

Additionally, these compounds also help to improve insulin sensitivity which can reduce the risk of developing type II diabetes.

Sadly, as of now, no human trials exist with GW0742. The compound is still very new but we can expect to see human trials in the future.

GW-0742 Side Effects

GW-0742 is a promising yet uncertain research chemical, with potential unknown side effects that should be taken into consideration.

Although I’m looking forward to what the future may hold for this compound, it’s best to take caution and wait until we know more about its efficacy before making any decisions.


Recommended dosage is 10-20mg per day, taken once per day with or without food.


While there is still much research to be done on both GW0742 and Cardarine, initial studies suggest that both compounds could be powerful tools when it comes to improving endurance levels in athletes. However, due to its slightly modified chemical structure, many believe that GW0742 could have an edge over its counterpart when it comes to potency. If you’re looking for something new for your fitness routine then perhaps it’s time you gave GW0742 a try!

This article will be updated as soon as new information becomes available – so stay tuned!

MK-677 LGD Ostarine Stack: Guaranteed Muscle Mass Recipe

MK-677 LGD Ostarine Stack: 100% Guaranteed Muscle Mass Recipe

MK-677 LGD Ostarine Stack – the ridiculously effective SARMs stack that’ll give you trustworthy gains! Ready to get swole? Let’s talk about the stack that guarantees results 100%.

These three powerhouses will set you up for maximum gains in muscle mass: 3-4 kilograms per month can be expected when allowing these compounds their moment to shine on your body’s receptors. The MK-677 LGD Ostarine Stack will activate anabolic pathways, encourage growth hormone production and maximise mucle protein synthesis…

Let SARM season begin today!

What is LGD 4033?

LGD-4033, more commonly known as Ligandrol, is a highly researched compound that has undergone rigorous clinical trials. It stands out amongst other compounds due to its well established safety record – an essential factor for any fitness enthusiast looking to get body goals on point.

Benefits of LGD 4033

LGD 4033 is an amazing tool that, when combined with proper training and dieting techniques can result in impressive muscle gains. Aside from increased mass, this compound also offers a number of additional benefits including:

  • Rapid gains in strength
  • Improved appetite and digestion
  • Enhanced endurance and stamina
  • Enhanced vascularity and fullness
  • Improves recovery allowing greater training volume
  • Ideal for bulking as well as cutting or body-recomposition
  • Prevents muscle catabolism even if in a caloric deficit

When it comes to muscle mass, LGD 4033 packs a punch! Just make sure to stay hydrated during any Ligandrol cycle as there is always the risk of water retention.

Whether you’re looking for some extra definition or just want those added inches in all the right places, Ligandrol has your back.

The main side effect of LGD 4033 is the suppression of your natural production of testosterone. We would recommend Pro PCT after your cycle to optimise a healthy hormone balance.

What is MK 677?

If you’re looking to build muscle and drop fat, MK 677 is your go-to compound. Not only does it stimulate the release of GH – growth hormone – but IGF-1 too.

MK 677, otherwise known as Ibutamoren or Nutrobal, is a scientifically-supported growth hormone secretagogue. It has been researched extensively and currently in clinical trials, making it both reliable and safe for use to promote muscle mass gain and fat loss results while delivering a host of other positive health benefits.

MK 677 has also shown the ability to heal hair follicles and stimulate new hair growth and restoration for those dealing with baldness prevention. Skin quality will improve and your hair and nails will grow faster and stronger.

You can also experience enhanced sleep quality; MK 677 is a game changer. With its improved sleep quality, you’ll be able to reap the same benefits as 8 hours of restful slumber while only needing 6!

Benefits of MK 677

  • Increases your levels of IGF-1 and HGH serum
  • Boosts lean muscle mass growth
  • Supports better fat oxidation
  • Promotes faster recovery from training
  • Supports good joint health and the healing of skeletal and connective tissue
  • Increases bone density
  • Tightens skin for more aesthetic skin texture
  • Improves sleep quality and sleep depth
  • Ideally used long term (minimum 3-6 months) for best results

What is Ostarine

Ostarine (MK-2866) is the go-to SARM for lean muscle gains with absolute minimal side effects, often stacked with more potent compounds to take advantage of its plethora of health and recovery benefits.

Ostarine reduces inflammation and fat loss while improving mood and tissue regeneration capabilities so that even during stringent dieting periods you won’t lose any precious muscle mass.

Ostarine is renowned for its awesome restorative benefits – from joint repair to improved bone health and even reduced cholesterol levels. It’s a great choice for bodybuilders seeking remarkable gains in mass and strength, along with improved insulin resistance.

In one human study on 120 healthy elderly people, Ostarine significantly improved insulin resistance and lowered blood glucose levels. In fact, the results were similar to a well-known anti-diabetic drug Metformin.

In as little as 4 to 6 weeks users can expect a transformation with up to 3-4kgs in lean gains, results backed by scientific studies. Effects can be noticed even during the first 10 days of intake because accumulation is not necessary.

Benefits of Ostarine

  • Clinically proven to build muscle and strength
  • Anabolic (even at doses as low as 3mg)
  • Gains of 3kg in 3-4 weeks possible
  • Targeted anabolic effects in muscle tissue only
  • Does not have any androgenic activity
  • Improves endurance and strength
  • Boosts fat loss
  • Promotes healing and injury repair
  • Powerful joint healing abilities
  • Non-liver-toxic
  • Minimal side effects

What You Can Expect From an MK-677 LGD Ostarine Stack

The MK-677 LGD Ostarine Stack is a combination that will bring 100% success to every individual. With this powerful trifecta, transformation is guaranteed through effective muscle mass gain of 3-4 kilograms in just one month.

Ostarine and Ligandrol attach to the body’s Androgen receptors, creating an ideal environment for muscle mass development that exhibits gains up three times faster than usual.

Ostarine brings its health benefits beyond muscle building and fat burning. Not only does it aid in joint repair and bone health to reduce recovery time but can offer a range of other physical advantages such as lowering LDL cholesterol levels and triglycerides which may lead to improved insulin sensitivity.

MK-677 works in synergy by boosting growth hormones allowing better recovery rates, metabolism boost as well as increased protein synthesis – essential components in any serious weight lifter or athlete.

Documenting weekly progress through before and after photos is also highly recommended as it makes tracking changes easier and more reliable. I recommend that you take progress pictures (in the same lighting) every week to easily track your progress.

Additional supplementation of water will play an important role in avoiding any exacerbations of water retention side effects commonly associated with MK677 and LGD 4033.

We would recommend Pro PCT after your cycle to optimise a healthy hormone balance.

Recommended Dosages for the MK-677 LGD Ostarine Stack

Ostarine has a long half-life (24 to 32 hours) and a dosage of 15 to 30 mg on an empty stomach once per day may be the most advantageous way to maximise absorption.

LGD-4033 has a long half-life (24 to 32 hours) and may be taken once per day at a dosage of 5 – 20 mg per day.

MK-677 has a long half-life (24 hours) and may be taken once per day at a dosage of 10 – 20 mg per day. When taken 1 to 2 hours before bedtime, it serves as a catalyst for greater growth hormone production during deep sleep. This has remarkable effect on the body’s nightly recovery process.


The MK-677 LGD Ostarine Stack is a scientifically sound choice for athletes and bodybuilders seeking to enhance their physical ability. This combination safely facilitates impressive muscle growth, fat loss, and improved strength with minimal risk of adverse side effects.

The efficacy of this cycle has been firmly established through extensive research studies that have validated its use in the field; however caution should be taken when selecting quality compounds from reputable suppliers to ensure safe execution without lowering product potency.

We would recommend Pro PCT after your cycle to optimise a healthy hormone balance.

Pumping Iron MK-677 LGD Ostarine Stack
Pumping Iron MK-677 LGD Ostarine Stack
How Long Does Ostarine Take To Work?

How Long does Ostarine take to Work? Transform in 8 Weeks…

Ostarine is the ideal beginner SARM because it has a very favourable benefit-to-risk ratio but one of the most common questions asked is, “How Long does Ostarine take to Work?”. Despite being one of the mildest and even the most researched SARMs, Ostarine is one of the most relied-upon compounds to give consistent, worry-free results.

In general, it’s hard to guarantee results will begin to be apparent the same for one person as it will for the next; each individual body is different and we all start feeling the effects of SARMs at different times. Some people claim to feel the effects immediately, while others have to wait weeks at a time… but being ‘general’ is not what this article is about.

How Long Does Ostarine Take To Work?

Going by the majority of what we would consider beginner-to-intermediate PED users looking to take their physique to the next level, here is a no-BS guide to Ostarine results and expectations:

  • Week 1: pumps and vascularity improve half-way through the week, some strength increase noticeable
  • Week 2: strength continues to increase
  • Week 3: same as week 2. If bulking, increase in size starts to become clear, primarily in shoulders and traps
  • Week 4: strength continues to creep up but not as rapidly as before. Size keeps increasing if you are bulking. If cutting, strength may plateau
  • Week 5: same as week 4
  • Week 6: strength may plateau but muscle gain will continue
  • Week 7: at this point you’ll either be significantly bigger with no noticeable water retention (if bulking up), or way more ripped than before (if cutting). Suppression kicks in but it’s not bad enough to impair quality of life (although there can be exceptions)
  • Week 8: nothing special, same as week 7
  • Most people will continue to cycle Ostarine for up to 12 weeks to continue towards their desired goal; results will continue to progress fairly steadily, depending on training/nutrition.

This is what the average user experiences during a regular 8 week cycle of Ostarine at 20mg a day.

In our experience, using 30mg is not much better than using 20mg in terms of benefits, but negative side-effects can potentially increase (such as headaches or insomnia).

In terms of side-effects, you can expect some mild suppression towards the end of the cycle but most people don’t require a test base and/or PCT.

How Long does Ostarine take to Work? You will feel the difference from the first week but visible results should be around week 3-4.

The History of Ostarine (MK-2866)

Ostarine, also called MK 2866 or Enbosarm, was developed by GTx Inc. in 1997 to treat muscle wasting diseases and osteoporosis.

From a historical point of view, Ostarine was designed to help people suffering from muscle loss but unlike anabolic steroids that were evident for their side effects and long-term testosterone decrease, the breakthrough that Ostarine made came with great hopes for the medical industry.

According to the current research, medical reviews and case studies present Ostarine as an excellent fat shredder and muscle builder. It evidently raises overall energy levels significantly, thus improving endurance and performance in many athletes put on 3 month cycle. These are the characteristics that brought SARMs to the fore of the bodybuilding community.

Researchers found that Ostarine also showed increased bone density properties, making it the perfect choice for osteoporosis patients and bodybuilders alike.

In 2016, Ostarine failed phase 3 clinical trials for treating muscle wasting diseases in people with lung cancer. Ostarine failed because (perhaps unsurprisingly), people with lung cancer were too weak to use Ostarine.

As of today, Ostarine is still in development and successfully going through numerous clinical trials.

Health Benefits of Ostarine

Perhaps another attractive feature for health and fitness enthusiasts, Ostarine offers a host of health benefits far beyond its muscle building and fat burning abilities. MK-2866 is renowned for its healing properties particularly joint repair and bone health. It can also help to reduce LDL cholesterol and triglycerides which, in turn, improves insulin resistance.

Less time out for recovery (or less soreness during your next training session) means you can train more frequently, resulting in a greater workload throughout your training week. This is likely to result in greater muscle growth from the training stimulus and faster results.

In one human study on 120 healthy elderly people, Ostarine significantly improved insulin resistance and lowered blood glucose levels. In fact, the results were similar to a well-known anti-diabetic drug Metformin. (If you are looking for the most potent Glucose Disposal Agent on the market, look no further than SLINX).

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