
Enhanced Bulking SARMs Stack

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The Enhanced Bulking SARMs Stack combines three powerful SARMs compounds for ultimate muscle mass, strength and size gains. RAD-140 and LGD make a great combination for mass and strength gains, which also work synergistically with MK-677 to amplify results. We recommend running MK-677 on a long-term basis, as a general staple in your research protocol (3-6 months minimum) to yield optimum results.



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The Enhanced Bulking SARMs Stack combines three powerful SARMs compounds for ultimate muscle mass, strength and size gains. RAD-140 and LGD make a great combination for mass and strength gains, which also work synergistically with MK-677 to amplify results. We recommend running MK-677 on a long-term basis, as a general staple in your research protocol (3-6 months minimum) to yield optimum results.

Benefits of RAD-140 in the Enhanced Bulking SARMs Stack

Enhanced Athlete RAD-140 (Testolone) is a potent SARM for lean mass gains, size and strength. RAD-140 is more anabolic than testosterone and unlike testosterone has no androgenic side effects. This means no unwanted male pattern baldness, spots or gynecomastia.

  • RAD-140 – 10mg x 60 capsules
  • More anabolic than testosterone
  • Anabolic to androgenic ratio of 90:1
  • A great addition to a prohormone cycle
  • Best for bulking cycles
  • Improves libido and sexual performance
  • Best SARM for muscle growth and size
  • Reduces fat and increases muscle mass
  • Ideal to enhance body composition
  • Rapid muscle recovery
  • A safer alternative to anabolic steroids
  • No androgenic side effects such as male pattern baldness
  • Excellent stacking potential with other SARMs and prohormones
  • PCT required

In one study scientists were able to use RAD-140 to activates receptors in damaged sections of the brain. The resulting reaction was a signal known as the MAPK pathway which is known to protect brain cells.

Individuals treated with Testolone have also reported improvements in the levels of sexual development and function. Testolone users report improved workout results and sexual performance.

It is also useful to slow down the signs of muscle breakdown and damage as RAD-140 improves the production of testosterone in the body and thus helps men in their late 30s and 40s perform better.

Some Testolone users have reported improved sleep quality but there are currently no studies to back this claim. The same can be said for RAD-140’s ability to enhance sexual performance although this would make perfect sense due to its testosterone-mimicking effects.

Benefits of LGD-4033 in the Enhanced Bulking SARMs Stack

Enhanced Athlete Ligandrol is a potent muscle-building compound also known as LGD-4033. This SARM (selective androgen receptor modulator) is a powerful bulking agent for increasing muscle mass, size and strength to reach new levels in your training. When supported with the correct diet, users of Enhanced Athlete Ligandrol will gain a significant amount of muscle and explosive power.

  • LGD-4033 – 5mg x 60 Capsules
  • Very potent SARM targeting lean muscle growth
  • Enhances endurance and stamina
  • Enhanced vascularity and fullness
  • Increased muscle mass
  • Rapid gains in strength
  • Improves recovery allowing greater training volume
  • Ideal for bulking as well as cutting or body-recomposition
  • Prevents muscle catabolism even if in a caloric deficit

Benefits of MK-677 in the Enhanced Bulking SARMs Stack

Enhanced Athlete MK-677 in the Enhanced Bulking SARMs Stack is also known as Nutrobal or Ibutamoren. This compound is a growth hormone secretagogue which increases your natural production of growth hormone, as well as IGF-1 levels in the body. With MK-677 you can expect to see lean mass gains, enhanced fat loss, muscle fullness, rapid recovery and increased strength. MK-677 is safe for both men and women and works synergistically with SARMs and prohormones.

  • MK-677 – 10mg x 60 Capsules
  • Increases natural growth hormone levels
  • Increases IGF-1 levels
  • Increases strength and muscle mass
  • Promotes healing of bones, tendons and ligaments
  • Speeds up the rate of recovery
  • Enhances fat loss
  • Improves sleep quality and REM sleep
  • Improves skin complexion
  • Highly effective anti-ageing properties
  • Improves appetite at higher dosages

Additional information

Weight 150 g


LGD-4033 (Ligandrol), MK-677 (Ibutamoren), RAD-140 (Testolone)