MK-677 Before and After Photos: Impressive Results

MK-677 Before and After Photos

As you might know, MK-677 is one of the most interesting compounds currently being used by athletes and bodybuilders, so we’ve pulled together a variety of MK-677 before and after photos to see just what’s realistically possible. Ibutamoren is a very potent but slow-acting compound that takes a while to kick in but when it does, results are impressive.

Perhaps you’ve read that MK-677 is a SARM, or seen it referred to as Ibutamoren or Nutrobal and you’re probably wondering exactly what this wonder-compound is (and how it can help you with your strength and physique goals). The first thing you need to know is that Ibutamoren is not a SARM. Let’s find out more about this muscle-building, fat-stripping compound so you can make an informed decision about your cutting stack.

What Exactly Is Ibutamoren MK-677?

Ibutamoren is often marketed as a SARM (selective androgen receptor modulator) but it’s actually not a SARM at all. It’s a chemical compound which can boost your body’s natural hormone levels so you can speed up muscle growth for bigger, denser muscles, more mass, greater strength, and an easier time when you next try to lean down.

MK-677 is a growth hormone secretagogue; a substance that causes growth hormone and IGF-1 to be secreted in your body. It does this by imitating ghrelin, binding to ghrelin receptors in the brain, and encouraging your natural production of GH and IGF-1. Using Ibutamoren boosts your body’s own levels of these anabolic hormones without disturbing other hormones like testosterone or cortisol. This means it is safe for long-term use and doesn’t require any form of PCT.

Ibutamoren & Bodybuilding

As mentioned, Ibutamoren boosts your body’s levels of the anabolic hormones GH (growth hormone) and IGF-1. This means it has impressive anabolic properties but without the side effects associated with actual anabolic steroids.

Ibutamoren is taken orally and can help you increase muscle mass, boost muscle size and improve your strength in training too (which will obviously also lead to better gains). It can also help you lose more body fat during a cutting diet or a body recomposition phase.

This 1998 double-blind, randomised human study shows impressive results in a group of males given Ibutamoren MK-677 – they showed increased lean mass, GH secretion, and even energy expenditure in just two months. That same study showed that serum IGF-I increased by approximately 40% with Ibutamoren MK-677 treatment.

Our MK-677 before and after photos will follow soon, keep reading…

8 Benefits of MK-677

#1 Muscle retention

Ibutamoren has been shown to reverse protein loss and associated muscle wasting – good news for bodybuilders who want to diet to lose fat but hate the idea of sacrificing hard-earned muscle mass. Muscle gain made with HGH is longer-lasting, so any gains you make on Ibutamoren are likely to last longer, too.

#2 Muscle gain

Ibutamoren MK-677 doesn’t just help you hang on to muscle mass in the face of a possibly catabolic environment. It can also boost the growth of new muscle cells. It does this by stimulating secretion of GH and IGF-1 which increase protein synthesis. That means hefty gains if you’re already eating and training right.

#3 Bone density

All that extra growth hormone will mean better bone density in the short term and the long term, which is good news for your gains now, and for your health, once you get older. Look better and stay more active in later life? Yes, please.

#4 Sleep and recovery

Ibutamoren may improve the amount of REM sleep you get (and the quality of your sleep), which means better recovery between training and more time in that muscle-gaining anabolic state. Better sleep also means more energy for training the next day, plus less hunger and fewer cravings.

#5 Nootropics

Ibutamoren is also popular with the nootropic crowd because it is thought to have brain benefits. This means better wellbeing and mood, with more motivation and focus on training and cardio.

#6 Fat loss

Using Ibutamoren may encourage your body to use stored fat for energy, and remember that it protects muscle at the same time. This means true lean gains: fat loss with muscle gain for that full, pumped, shredded look. Our MK-677 before and after photos are specifically showing the fat-loss results that people have experienced.

#7 Anti-ageing and longevity

Ibutamoren may promote longevity by increasing growth hormone and IGF-1. IGF-1 is known to have beneficial effects on ageing and longevity, however, our natural production of growth hormone declines from mid-puberty throughout life. In a study with 65 healthy adults, daily administration of MK-677 increased GH and IGF-1 levels without negative side-effects. In another study with 24 obese males, MK-677 rejuvenated the growth hormone profile.

#8 Skin tightening

Ibutamoren is known for its positive effects on the quality of hair, skin and nails. Not only does it increase fat oxidation but you’ll also notice that it will also tighten the loose skin and improve the skin quality. This is also one of the reasons why it is often used for anti-ageing, as mentioned above. In fact, many women use MK-677 to combat wrinkles and cellulite!

MK-677 Before and After Photos

These MK-677 before and after photos show cycles of different lengths. It is worth noting that this compound shows greater results if used long-term and progress will also depend on different individual factors. Your diet, training, recovery and whether you decide to stack MK-677 will greatly affect your potential. Anecdotally, people are finding very noticeable and significant effects so it’s safe to say that MK-677 is worth its weight in gold.

mk 677 before and after 03
MK-677 Before and After – 12 Week Cycle
mk 677 before and after 01
MK-677 Before and After – 16 Week Cycle

If you looking for more than just MK-677 before and after photos, check out our SARMs Before and After Photos to see what else is available.

MK-677 Dosage & Stacking

Ibutamoren MK-677 can be taken by itself or as part of a stack with other compounds. It has a long half-life of 24 hours which means you can take your daily dose in one go – but it does spike growth hormone, so you might like to split your dose to avoid tiredness after the GH spike.

Most users will tend to use 20-25mg per day although MK-677 is still very effective at doses as low as 10mg, which can be useful for people who feel tired or hungry at higher doses. Start at 10mg for the first week to assess how you feel if it’s your first time using the compound.

The efficacy of MK-677 increases and improves with longer-term use, so the recommended cycle length is 3-6 months for optimum results. Some people like to stay on MK-677 year-round. Our MK-677 before and after photos show different cycle lengths but keep in mind that everyone is different and your training, diet, recovery and stacking will hugely affect results.

Recommended dosages:

  • Building muscle: 25mg per day
  • Fat loss: 20mg per day
  • Heal an injury: 10-20mg per day
  • Anti-ageing: 10-20mg per day

If you are new to Ibutamoren, start with 10mg for one week to assess your response before increasing dosages, if necessary.

Stacking MK-677 with SARMs

Ibutamoren has very minor side-effects, but it should still not be taken lightly. You still have to be careful when choosing your dose, especially if you plan on stacking it with other SARMs. And then you also have to figure out how to stack them.

But if you do choose the right dose and stack your SARMs properly, then you can expect amazing results in a short amount of time. Ibutamoren can actually enhance the effects of the SARMs that you’re currently taking.

MK-677 is often stacked with Cardarine, Ligandrol and Testolone but it is an exceptionally versatile compound and can be stacked with anything else. See our Stacks for recommendations based on your goals.

Our Best-Selling MK-677

You need to be sure the MK-677 you use is good quality, pure and well dosed. Be wary of any product which isn’t clearly labelled or can’t tell you how much of the active ingredient you are getting (we call this “micro-dosing” in the industry, and it’s bad news!).

Pumping Iron MK-677 (Ibutamoren) 10mg x 60 Tablets
Pumping Iron MK-677 (Ibutamoren)


Verify our latest lab test report (see images) at Janoshik.
Task Number: 07563
Unique Key: H3ZCI6QFEHVU

We slightly over-dose our products to ensure you get exactly what you pay for!

Cardarine GW-501516: A Complete Guide to GW501516

Cardarine GW-501516: A Helpful Guide 2019

In this article, we’ll cover everything you need to know about the PPAR-delta activator Cardarine (GW-501516), how long it takes to work, the ideal cycle length, safety and vital information you need before you consider adding it to your supplement regime.

A lot of the compounds we write about at are SARMs (selective androgen receptor modulators). This article is about something a little different, although often classed into the same category. GW501516 can help burn fat, boost metabolism, increase training endurance and protect muscle tissue but it isn’t actually a SARM. It’s a non-hormonal PPAR-delta activator which doesn’t work on the androgen capacitors at all.

If you’re curious about Cardarine, here’s everything you need to know and if we haven’t covered something, simply e-mail us and we’ll be happy to answer your questions!

Is Cardarine (GW-501516) a SARM?

As we said, Cardarine isn’t actually a SARM (anyone who tells you it is doesn’t know what they’re talking about). A SARM activates androgen receptors in muscles and other tissue. Cardarine is a PPAR-delta activator but it can produce results similar to those of SARMs.

Background Information

The best way to understand what to expect from a compound is to look at why it was developed (and what was discovered by researchers). GW501516 was originally developed by a drug company in the 1990s as a way to prevent tumours (especially on the colon and prostate). But there were some surprising discoveries.

During their studies into increased endurance and fat burning, the researchers began to understand more about the PPAR-delta pathway. They realised that activation of this pathway had an astounding impact on muscle growth, endurance and energy whilst decreasing blood lipids and subcutaneous fat. And – you guessed it – the compound GW-501516 can bind to this PPAR-delta pathway.

It turned out Cardarine could help reduce body fat, boost metabolic rate, improve the strength of blood vessels. This has a positive impact on cardiovascular health, increases muscle growth rate and even reduces recovery time. We’ll go into these factors in greater depth later in this article.

One thing we need to make clear: Cardarine is not currently sold for human consumption. It is classed as a ‘research compound’, sold for research purposes only.

How Long Does Cardarine Take to Work?

It’s important to understand how the Cardarine works in the body. Like we’ve already said, it binds to PPAR-delta in muscle cells and it stimulates certain genes which facilitate the body’s use of energy. Once you know that, you can see how it can boost your metabolic rate, improve physical performance and even help burn more fat (whilst increasing and protecting muscle mass).

You’ll notice the effects almost instantly; timing one of your dosages about thirty minutes before a high-intensity training session is an ideal protocol. The difference in energy, endurance and stamina will be noticeable almost immediately.

Burn Fat & Recover Faster with GW-501516

How exactly does Cardarine burn body fat? It’s not as simple as just torching fat right off your body. It starts with preventing the formation of fatty acids chains which, in turn, stops your body actually storing fat. This means your body needs to tap into your subcutaneous fat stores for energy – just like when you diet. But there’s one big difference to when you burn body fat by dieting. GW-501516 has those sought-after anti-catabolic properties, which means you get leaner without losing valuable muscle tissue.

What about boosting recovery between training sessions? It seems Cardarine can help your muscle fibres (specifically the slow-twitch fibres) use oxygen more efficiently, and this can help improve rates of recovery between training. It can also mean better endurance during training sessions. Good news if you train for hypertrophy, with a lower-load and higher-rep style of training.

Cardarine & Bodybuilding

You can already guess that this is an attractive compound for bodybuilders with its potential for muscle gain, training recovery and fat burning. (Side note: it’s also getting a lot of interest with the nootropics crowd.)

Cardarine could be used by itself or with other compounds as a cycle; you can stack it with prohormones, SARMs or other fat-burners. You can also use it to bridge between cycles or throughout a PCT (post cycle therapy) phase. Either way, it should be cycled for best results. Plan your cycle length for 8-12 weeks before having a 4-8 week break.

GW501516 has a half-life of 12-24 hours so you can decide whether to split your dose or to take it once per day. A dosage of 10mg-20mg per day is recommended.

Stacking Cardarine with Other Compounds

Cardarine can be used as a standalone supplement but is often stacked with other compounds. Most commonly, it has great synergistic effects with MK-677, RAD-140, Ostarine, LGD-3303 and Andarine.

It can also be used to combat negative side-effects of some anabolics (such as Trenbolone) and address potential lipid health issues. Cardarine is beneficial during PCT because it can lessen your chances of a fat-regain or rebound after running a steroid or prohormone cycle.

7 Things You Need To Know About Cardarine

#1 Fat Burner

It boosts your body’s fat-burning capacity by stimulating glucose and activating the ABCA1 and CPT1 fat-burning genes. Interestingly, there was a human study done on Cardarine’s potential for receding fatty acids, VLDL proteins and triglycerides (human studies on Cardarine are pretty rare, so it’s worth a look at this one).

#2 Training Endurance

It can stimulate the body’s glucose uptake, encouraging your body to use glucose as its primary fuel source. This means you get more energised for training and can train harder for longer. Since Cardarine can activate PPAR-delta pathways, it can also improve strength endurance. This 2015 study (on mice) suggests Cardarine can increase the specific muscle fibres associated with peak training performance.

#3 Lean Gains

It is a popular choice for stacking with SARMs and other compounds to protect lean muscle tissue whilst dieting to get shredded. As we’ve said, it can help burn body fat without the problem of losing muscle mass or looking over-dieted and scrawny.

#4 Brain Health

It can have a positive effect on blood vessels (see #5) and this means protection for your brain blood vessels (plus more blood to the brain). You might also like to know PPAR activators are thought to boost nerve cell development of nerve cells.

#5 Cardiovascular Health

It can prevent oxidative damage to blood vessels, helping reduce build-up in the arteries and (most exciting for bodybuilders) increasing your nitric oxide (NO) levels. This could mean Cardarine may reduce inflammation and associated tissue damage – a key factor in recovery and muscle growth during hypertrophy.

#6 Liver & Kidney Health

MCP-1 activity is a key factor in kidney disease and Cardarine can reduce this activity. Additionally, Cardarine acts directly on your liver (a powerhouse for storing fats for fuel in the body), using PPAR-delta activation to use fatty acids for energy. Cardarine could even reduce the body’s production of IL-6 and thereby prohibit insulin resistance.

#7 Muscle fibres

Activating PPAR-delta also means Cardarine can encourage better muscle fibre development. This means increased training endurance and the potential for greater muscle growth.

Choosing & Using Cardarine GW-501516

The bottom line is that Cardarine GW501516 is not currently legal for human consumption so it is sold for research purposes. Not for training, cutting, bulking, or bodybuilding.

You also need to bear in mind that Cardarine is banned for any tested bodybuilding competitions (yes, even trace amounts found accidentally in another product). At the moment, almost all the (limited) research on Cardarine GW501516 is on animals.

Don’t risk wasting your money on cheap, fake dupes!

One of the best selling products Mutagenic Labz Amalgamation combines a blend of GW-501516 and SR-9009, a very effective fat-loss combo. If you’re not keen on Cardarine just yet, Check out Mutagenic Labz Assimilation – our safe, legal and insanely effective GDA (Glucose Disposal Agent) to help you get leaner and build more muscle faster.

Disclaimer: By publishing this post we are not recommending using GW501516. It’s our duty to inform and educate you on all compounds. All of the information we have given here can be corroborated by published scientific reviews and literature. We recommend Mutagenic Labz Assimilation.

sarms results

SARMs Results: Complete Rundown (2023)

When it comes to SARMs results, there’s a huge variety of compounds to choose from and all have different strengths. Although SARMs are highly versatile, they do produce slightly different results, have different potencies and can be utilised in different phases for different goals.

So, what are the effects and benefits of different SARMs compounds?

SARMs – selective androgen receptor modulators – are the most exciting modern development in supplements, sweeping aside the need to even think about risking your health on illegal substances like anabolic steroids or prohormones. SARMs can give you some astounding results with little to no side effects, no hormonal suppression, and no known health risks.

SARMs Results: Before and After Photos

What exactly can you expect from taking SARMs? It’s all very well reading about the benefits and looking at other people’s before and after photos. Wouldn’t it be useful to know what to expect from the most popular SARMs compounds, so you can select the precise ones to get the physique you want?

Most SARMs have some effect on rates of muscle gain, the appearance of muscle, as well as on strength, training performance, and rate of fat loss. But they are all slightly different. How are the various SARMs different, and what can you expect when you take them alongside a good diet and regular training?

See more before and after photos on our blog post here!

Ostarine Before & After (8-Week Cycle)
Ostarine Before & After (8-Week Cycle)

The Most Popular SARMs

SARMs Results From ACP-105

ACP-105 is one of the newer SARMs and has been researched in relation to treating bone and tissue conditions including osteoporosis and muscle wasting conditions. Although ACP-105 is not one of the stronger SARMs, it has powerful anabolic effects and is comparable in some ways to synthetic testosterone. However, it seems to have minimal suppressive effects on the body’s natural hormone levels which is great news. It is what’s known as a partial agonist.

ACP-105 results include strength gains, muscular endurance, and better muscle mass gains. It is known to be one of the weaker SARMs (for want of a better word), so don’t expect insane results – just visible, pleasing ones!

SARMs results to expect from ACP-105:

  • Muscle and strength gains
  • Improves the rate of fat loss
  • Better muscle recovery from training
  • Increased rate of muscle growth
  • Improved blood circulation
  • Non-toxic to the liver

Cardarine (GW-510516) PPAR Modulator

Cardarine is not actually a SARM – it is a PPAR-delta activator. This means it doesn’t directly influence the androgen receptors. Cardarine was initially researched for its fat-burning potential and further developed to potentially treat health issues around the heart and blood vessels. It is known to have a range of benefits for athletic performance and bodybuilding, including reduction of inflammation and increased fat-burning potential.

  • Helps maintain good blood flow to the brain
  • PPAR-delta activation increases fat burn and energy use
  • May even reverse symptoms of metabolic syndrome including liver fat and triglycerides
  • Lowers cholesterol
  • Increases nitric oxide to minimise oxidative damage to blood vessel
  • Lowers risk of heart disease
  • Suppresses inflammation (another benefit of activating the PPAR-delta pathway)
  • Encourages the liver to use fatty acids (to glucose) as energy which can reduce blood sugar
  • Better development of muscle fibres for strength, endurance, mass

SARMs Results From Ostarine (MK-2866)

Ostarine has been researched for its potential to reverse the effects of catabolism in muscle-wasting diseases and the ageing population. It is still in the clinical trial stage, making it one of the SARMs more likely to be approved for clinical use. Ostarine is favoured by bodybuilders for its effects on muscle gain and strength gain with minimal risk of side effects.

SARMs results to expect from MK-2866:

  • Increases muscle mass and strength
  • Gives a dry, lean muscle gain appearance
  • Supports better fat loss without muscle loss
  • No water retention
  • Better pumps during training
  • Can reverse muscle loss (potentially when dieting in a calorie deficit)
  • No known impact on hormone levels
  • Beneficial for bone strength and bone density
  • Can lower cholesterol and blood glucose
  • May activate muscle satellite cells to help regenerate muscle tissue and connective tissue
  • No need for PCT or liver support supplements

Results From Ibutamoren (MK-677) Growth Hormone Secretagogue

Ibutamoren isn’t a SARM but a growth hormone secretagogue that is known to stimulate your natural production of growth hormone to increase GH levels. By increasing the body’s secretion of GH, it also increases IGF-1 (insulin-like growth factor) both of which are key anabolic hormones. Ibutamoren binds to a part of the brain that plays a part in appetite.

  • Increases growth hormone secretion
  • Increases IGF-1
  • Improves muscle mass gain
  • Can reduce muscle loss during dieting phases
  • Boosts ability to lose body fat
  • Bone strength and bone density
  • Can improve sleep
  • Some nootropic effects for better cognition and mood
  • May even help with hangovers!

SARMs Results From LGD-3303

LGD-3303 is one of the newer SARMs – don’t confuse it with LGD-4033 (Ligandrol). 3303 and 4033 do have similarities but you need to know the difference. Anecdotally, we hear that LGD-3303 is the stronger SARM and perhaps better for fat loss on a cut. LGD-3303 was developed as a potential for treating osteoporosis, and may be beneficial for treating loss of muscle tissue in older people.

SARMs results to expect from LGD-3303:

  • Great bioavailability
  • Minimal water retention
  • Good choice for dieting phase (less water retention)
  • No negative effect on androgenic organs
  • Increases bone density and bone mass
  • Muscular fullness and hardness
  • Can help offset catabolism to retain muscle mass
  • Increased endurance for training sessions

SARMs Results From Ligandrol (LGD-4033)

LGD-4033 is often called the most potent of the SARM compounds. It was developed to improve patients’ recovery from fractures, because of its effect on tissue regeneration and strength.

SARMs results to expect from LGD-4033:

  • Muscle mass gains (good choice for a bulk)
  • Fat loss (although may temporarily be masked by some water retention)
  • Strength increases
  • Bone density and bone strength
  • Positive effects on catabolism including cachexia
  • Can help retain muscle whilst dieting
  • Increased sense of wellbeing and libido

Results From Stenabolic (SR-9009) REV-ERB agonist

SR9009 is not a SARM, it is a REV-ERB agonist. It mediates optimal metabolic function being described often as an exercise mimetic, or something which can provide similar effects as can be expected from exercise.

Stenabolic was developed for its effects on the circadian rhythm – it enhances REV-ERB (the proteins which stabilise our internal body clock). It has been shown to impact a number of health factors including anxiety, endurance, cholesterol, and inflammation. SR9009 has the ability to affect weight loss without dieting, according to a 7-day study on mice.

  • Can impact the genes under circadian control
  • Potential to boost fat burn and increase mitochondria activity
  • “Turns off” the genes which encourage fat storage
  • Potent metabolism booster and fat burner
  • Enhances endurance and stamina
  • Enhance REV-ERB activity
  • Reduces fat and cholesterol
  • Reduces inflammation
  • Improves heart function
  • Promotes wakefulness
  • Combats anxiety
  • Non-stimulant and non-hormonal
  • Reduces levels of triglycerides and total cholesterol in the blood
  • Muscular endurance for improved training performance
  • Supports better mood and energy, reduces anxiety

SARMs Results From Testolone (RAD-140)

Testolone mimics testosterone but avoids the side effects of traditional testosterone supplements. It is being used in research for increasing muscle mass and protecting brain cells from degeneration.

SARMs results to expect from RAD-140:

  • More anabolic than testosterone
  • Anabolic to androgenic ratio of 90:1
  • A great addition to a prohormone cycle
  • Best for bulking cycles
  • Improves libido and sexual performance
  • Best SARM for muscle growth and size
  • Reduces fat and increases muscle mass
  • Ideal to enhance body composition
  • Rapid muscle recovery
  • A safer alternative to anabolic steroids
  • No androgenic side effects such as male pattern baldness
  • Excellent stacking potential with other SARMs and prohormones
  • PCT required

SARMs Results From Andarine (S-4)

Like many SARMs, Andarine was developed for its potential to treat muscle wasting conditions and osteoporosis. It has been shown to increase strength, muscle mass, and bone density, muscle mass.

SARMs results to expect from S-4:

  • Potent hardening agent for exceptional body re-composition
  • One of the most researched SARMs in the industry
  • Highly anabolic
  • Preserves and improves lean body mass during diet phases
  • Increases oxidation of fatty tissue
  • Non-liver-toxic
  • No aromatization
  • The ultimate SARM with an exceptional potency

SARMs Results From S-23

S23 is a new SARM, which has been found to trigger an anabolic response for a positive effect on muscle and bone and muscle tissue. A safer alternative to anabolic steroids, S-23 is extremely effective for burning stubborn body fat. Considered by many as a powerful version of S-4 (Andarine), S-23 is one of the best performance-enhancing drugs to harden muscle for a dry, grainy look.

SARMs results to expect from S-23:

  • Increases both skeletal and muscle mass
  • Promotes long-lasting muscle mass and endurance gains
  • Ideal for muscle hardening
  • Completely sets off catabolism in a calorie deficit
  • Increases bone strength and reduces fat mass
  • Improves libido in men and women
  • Helps users to retain gains long after a cycle
  • No bloating or fluid retention

SARMs Results From YK-11

YK11 is being talked about as a myostatin inhibitor which can boost physical and mental aspects of bodybuilding. It offers a lot of benefits without any apparent side effects.

SARMs results to expect from YK-11:

  • Highly anabolic compound with fewer side effects than a steroid
  • Enhances muscle mass via myostatin inhibition
  • Increases muscle building with fewer side effects than prohormones
  • No estrogenic side effects
  • No hepatoxicity so safe to stack with another SARM or prohormone
  • Faster muscle growth than any natural test booster
  • Much improved recovery

Before you use any SARM, be sure to buy a reliable product from a trustworthy manufacturer and distributor. Always start with the lowest possible dose and asses your progress as you go along. Side effects have mostly been reported at high doses (higher than the recommended doses), or long cycles. Be smart and sensible, and you’ll reap the rewards of these incredible compounds.

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