Pentadecapeptide BPC-157 (Body Protecting Compound 157) is composed of 15 amino acids, discovered in and isolated from the human gastric juice. BPC-157 can dramatically accelerate the healing process of injuries, particularly sports injuries. In most cases, BPC-157 can also completely re-load the affected lesion after healing. Even long-term chronic injuries and pain can be effectively treated with BPC-157. The information below is provided for educational purposes. This chemical is not for human consumption.
- Shields the body from wounds and mends existing wounds
- Enhances recuperating after skin cuts and other such skin injuries
- Decreases blood pressure for those with hypertension
- Protects one from heart failure in a condition of potassium overdose (hyperkalemia) and lack of potassium (hypokalemia)
- Protects the body from pancreatitis and peptic ulcer due to calcium overdose (hypercalcemia) and blockage of calcium channels
- Shields the user from magnesium overdose (hypermagnesemia)
- Enhances recuperating from different intestinal injuries, diabetic injuries, different fistulas, and different tissue injuries, especially ligament, tendon, nerve, and muscle. Mending time of every one of these wounds is fundamentally diminished with the BPC-157
- Reduces the symptoms and danger of NSAIDs, especially cerebrum, gastric, intestinal, and liver injuries and different behavioural aggravations. These are essentially alienated by the BPC-157
- Averts and restrains the impact of intense liquor inebriation, withdrawal, and chronic and acute gastric and liver sores
From all the studies that have been done in the past on not only animals but human beings too, BPC-157 has been found to be such a miraculous healing drug that some people thought it might be considered illegal in the future. The studies were done primarily on rodents and were not conducted on people, but when the exceptional healing properties came out in the open, people started buying it for faster healing.
Peptides and SARMs have been known to be used by bodybuilders and the like to improve their bodies. Such is the case with this particular peptide, which has been used by people with muscles injuries. Whoever suffers from muscle sprain, damage and tear may be treated with this peptide when the compound gets cleared for human use.
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