
SARMs Vs Prohormones: 2 Ways to Get Big

sarms vs prohormones blog

Everything you need to compare SARMs Vs Prohormones for bodybuilding.

Prohormones and SARMs will help you to gain a significant amount of muscle and strength and, if used with quality cycle support (High Strength 1000mg TUDCA) and proper PCT, this can be achieved with little to no side effects.

Are SARMs and prohormones the same thing? What is the difference between SARMs and prohormones? What do they do, and which should you choose to reach your physique and strength goals?

People decide to take extra supplements for a number of reasons. Perhaps they’ve hit a training plateau and haven’t made progress for 6 months or more. Maybe they want a harder, denser look to their muscles. Or maybe they just want to push past what they can achieve without supplements.

Then the question turns to what kind of supplements to take? Anabolic steroids are illegal and come with some pretty hefty side effects and health risks, many of which can never be reversed. Then there are SARMs (selective androgen receptor modulators) and prohormones. Are they the same thing? What’s the difference? Which one is more effective at helping build muscle, add mass, and gain strength?

What Are SARMs?

SARMs are Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators. They work by selectively sending messages to growth cells in the body (including muscle and bone tissue), leading to rapid growth. Plus they can also help you retain lean tissue when dieting, keeping you out of the usual catabolic state so you can lose fat without also losing muscle. They can have a similar effect to anabolic steroids but without the health risks.

It is worth noting that SARMs are banned by WADA so competitive athletes should be aware that the use of SARMs is prohibited in sport.

Benefits Of SARMs

Different SARMs can have different results but the key benefits of using SARMs include:

  • Muscle gain
  • Reducing body fat (without losing muscle)
  • Increased strength
  • Faster recovery times
  • Can boost natural metabolic rate
  • Increased mood (for training focus and motivation)
  • Does not aromatise to oestrogen or DHT, or suppress natural test levels

Top 5 Most Popular SARMs

Some of the most popular SARMs are:

SARMs Side Effects

SARMs vs prohormones, the main difference is liver toxicity and suppression.

SARMs are widely accepted to be safer and free from side effects when used at lower doses and within the recommended cycle length. SARMs are non-liver-toxic and don’t require liver and organ support. You should always take SARMs as instructed (this includes doses). If you stray from the professional advice about how to take SARMs, you do open yourself up to side effects – it’s just common sense.

What Are Prohormones?

Prohormones are chemical compounds that work as precursors of a particular hormone when they are consumed, converting into that hormone within the body thanks to the interaction of enzymes. By taking prohormones, you give your body with elements it needs to create the hormones faster. Bodybuilders use prohormones which convert into anabolic (growth) hormones.

Prohormones have been around for a very long time, although many have been illegalised and no longer available on the market today. In their place, a myriad of new compounds are available and completely legal to buy.

An important note is that prohormones can show up on drug tests, suggesting anabolic steroid use so competitive athletes, government workers and military personnel would come under scrutiny from using these supplements.

Are Prohormones Safe?

The prohormones that are currently on the market are very different to the old-school compounds that are no longer available, which were much stronger and carried a lot more health risks.

The prohormones that you find on the market today can be considered quite safe, as long as you ensure to follow guidelines and use your common sense:

  • Research and understand the compounds you are planning to use
  • Use quality cycle support for liver and organ support
  • Essential: TUDCA (Liver Support) throughout your cycle
  • Essential: Pro PCT for 4 weeks after your cycle
  • Understand how to run proper PCT after your cycle
  • Don’t exceed the recommended cycle length
  • Stay within the recommended dosages
  • Do not consume any alcohol on cycle

Benefits Of Prohormones

Prohormones are highly effective and are somewhat mild compared to steroids such as Winstrol. They will guarantee quick progress. A typical cycle will usually get you at least 5-10lbs of lean muscle mass in a short space of time (3-4 weeks).

  • Highly potent muscle mass gain
  • Rapid reduction of body fat
  • Powerful increase in strength
  • Faster recovery
  • Improved nutrient partitioning
  • Muscle gain with less fat gain on a bulk
  • Increased motivation and aggression in the gym

Top 3 Most Popular Prohormones

Three of the most popular prohormones are

  • Methystenbolone – 2,17a-dimethyl-5a-androsta-1-en-17b-ol-3-one
  • Epistane – 2a, 3a epithio-17a-methyl-5a-androstan-17b-ol
  • Superdrol – 2a,17a-dimethyl-4-androstadiene-3-one,17b

Side Effects Of Prohormones

SARMs vs prohormones, the main difference is the suppression of your natural testosterone levels and liver toxicity. Prohormone use requires liver support as they are liver toxic. They should also be followed by PCT because they are suppressive. Stacking prohormones can leave you prone to more extreme side effects, including

Prohormones will help you to gain a significant amount of muscle and strength and, if used with quality cycle support (High Strength 1000mg TUDCA) and proper PCT, this can be achieved with little to no side effects such as:

  • Headaches, dizziness
  • High blood pressure
  • Hair loss
  • Acne and other skin issues
  • Water retention
  • Lowering of libido
  • Mood swings, low mood
  • Risk of gynecomastia

SARMs Vs Prohormones

SARMs Vs Prohormones are often compared when guys are looking at ways to maximise muscle gain and get more progress. So should you choose SARMs or Prohormones? Here’s the bottom line.

  • Prohormones are liver toxic, SARMs are non-liver-toxic
  • Many of the original prohormones are no longer available due to side effects
  • Prohormones carry a higher risk of side-effects
  • Prohormones are much stronger and more effective than SARMs
  • Prohormones are highly suppressive and require proper PCT
  • SARMs do not always need a PCT, depending on type, dosage and cycle length
  • There are barely any side effects with SARMs unless you run high doses
  • Neither SARMs nor prohormones are allowed in drug tested sport (regulated by WADA or any organisation that complies to the WADA banned list)
  • SARMs can be stacked with any other supplements, prohormones are limited

Check out our wide range of quality SARMs from trusted manufacturers here.