Last updated on March 13th, 2023 at 01:46 pm
SR9009, also known as Stenabolic, has gained notoriety in the bodybuilding community as “exercise in a bottle” – could this be the key to athletic performance and fat loss? Be sure to check out this video from Albina (SimplyFit London) to answer all your questions about this extraordinary compound.
What is SR9009?
SR9009, also known as Stenabolic, is a research drug that was developed by professor Thomas Burris of the Scripps Research Institute as an agonist of Rev-ErbA
This metabolic modulator has become increasingly popular in the fitness and bodybuilding communities. It works by binding to the Rev-erb protein, which plays a role in regulating the body’s internal clock. By doing so, SR9009 can activate certain genes that help regulate metabolism, leading to increased energy expenditure and fat loss. Additionally, it is believed to increase endurance and stamina, allowing athletes to train harder and longer.
Let’s take a closer look at this mysterious compound and its potential benefits for athletes.
How Does SR9009 Work?
SR9009 works by binding to the Rev-erb protein, which is responsible for regulating metabolism, lipid homeostasis, circadian rhythm (sleep/wake cycle), stress response, and other key functions of the human body. When SR-9009 binds to this protein, it activates certain genes that help regulate metabolism. This leads to increased energy expenditure, improved fat loss, increased endurance levels, and more efficient glucose uptake into muscle cells—all of which are beneficial for athletes who want to improve their performance.
What Are the Benefits of Taking SR9009?
When taken as directed (under medical supervision), there are several potential benefits associated with taking SR-9009:
- Improved Endurance & Stamina – Because of its ability to stimulate energy expenditure and metabolic rate, taking SR- 9009 can lead to improved endurance levels during exercise or athletic activities. Additionally, those who take it may experience an increase in their stamina levels due to improved glucose uptake into muscle cells—allowing them to work out longer without feeling fatigued.
- Increased Fat Loss – As mentioned previously, one of the primary ways that SR-900 9 increases energy expenditure is by stimulating fat loss—which can be beneficial for athletes looking to improve their physique or performance level.
- Improved Muscle Growth & Strength – Due in part to its ability to improve glucose uptake into muscle cells, taking SR 900 9 can also lead to improved muscle growth & strength—which are essential for athletic performance improvement.
SR9009 FAQ
What is SR9009?
SR9009, also known as Stenabolic, is a synthetic compound, known as a metabolic modulator, which was developed to study the circadian rhythm.
How does SR-9009 work?
SR-9009 works by binding to the Rev-erb protein, which plays a role in regulating the body’s internal clock. By binding to this protein, SR-9009 can activate certain genes that help regulate metabolism, leading to increased energy expenditure and fat loss.
What are the benefits of SR-9009?
The potential benefits of SR-9009 include increased energy expenditure, fat loss, improved endurance and stamina, and improved sleep quality.
Is SR-9009 legal?
SR-9009 is currently not approved for human consumption but is not illegal for research purposes.
Is SR-9009 a steroid?
No, SR-9009 is not a steroid.
Can SR-9009 help with weight loss?
Yes, SR-9009 may help with weight loss by increasing energy expenditure and fat loss. It also has been shown to reduce the amount of cholesterol, triglycerides, insulin and free fatty acids.
What are the potential side effects of SR-9009?
The potential side effects of SR-9009 may include nausea, insomnia, and headaches.
How should SR-9009 be dosed?
The dosing recommendations for SR-9009 vary and are still being studied. However, most researchers will use 10-30mg per day.
How long does it take for SR-9009 to work?
The timeline for SR-9009 to work is not well-established, as research on the compound is still ongoing. However, most research studies show that results begin to show within 1-2 weeks.
Can SR-9009 improve endurance and stamina?
Yes, SR-9009 may improve endurance and stamina by increasing energy expenditure and fat loss.
Can SR-9009 improve sleep quality?
There is some evidence to suggest that SR-9009 may improve sleep quality, but more research is needed to confirm this.
Can SR-9009 cause liver damage?
The long-term effects of SR-9009 on liver function are not well-established, as research on the compound is still ongoing. However, no reports have suggested liver damage.
Is SR-9009 safe for women to use?
Yes, SR9009 can be used by women and does not affect the sex hormones.
Can SR-9009 be stacked with other supplements?
SR9009 is most often stacked alongside GW-501516 but can be used with any other SARM or supplement.
Can SR-9009 be detected in drug tests?
Not most drug tests. However, SR9009 is banned by WADA and can not be used in professional sport or in any tested competitions – that includes drug tested bodybuilding contests.
Is SR-9009 available in capsule form?
SR-9009 is available in various forms, including capsules and liquid.
Can SR-9009 be purchased online?
Yes, SR-9009 can be purchased online from various retailers.
Is SR-9009 a prescription drug?
No, SR-9009 is not a prescription drug.
What is the recommended cycle length for SR-9009?
The recommended cycle length for SR-9009 varies and is still being studied. It is important to speak with a healthcare professional before using any performance-enhancing drug or supplement.
Is SR-9009 effective for bodybuilding?
The effectiveness of SR-9009 for bodybuilding is not well-established, as research on the compound is still ongoing.
In conclusion, while further research is needed on the long term effects of using SARM compounds like SR 900 9 on humans; when used properly under medical supervision it appears that there are numerous potential benefits associated with using this compound – such as increased fat loss; improved endurance & stamina; as well as enhanced muscle growth & strength – all of which could be helpful for athletes looking for an edge over their competition. Just remember: always consult your doctor before starting any new supplement or medication program! With proper guidance from a professional healthcare provider you can decide if this type of product is right for you!