To join our rewards program, simply create an account on our website and start shopping! You will automatically begin earning points for your purchases, which you can redeem for discounts on future orders.
You earn points for each purchase made through our store. Points are awarded based on the amount spent, with specific rates outlined on our rewards program page. Occasionally, we may also offer bonus points for certain products or promotions.
You can view your points balance by logging into your account and visiting the “My Account” section. Here, you’ll see your current points total, along with a history of points earned and redeemed.
In our program, points are accumulated with each eligible purchase. Rewards refer to the discounts or benefits you receive when you redeem your points. For example, you can use points to get a discount on your next purchase, making it a reward for your loyalty.
Your available rewards can be viewed at checkout. When you have enough points to redeem, you’ll see options to apply them for discounts. You can also check your “My Account” section for information on your redemption options.