Best SARMs Stack for Cutting

Best SARMs Stack for Cutting (Ultimate Guide 2024)

SARMs are getting increasingly more popular amongst bodybuilders, competitors and athletes, so one of the most common questions we get is to recommend the best SARMs stack for cutting. It’s not surprising when you consider that these compounds can help build muscle, give a denser, harder look to muscle and help burn body fat beyond our natural potential.

That’s the holy grail – adding mass and not losing it again when you diet! Not to mention, to speed up the process of losing body fat and revealing those chiselled abs!

Which are the best SARMs for fat loss? Here’s our take on it…

What Are SARMs & How Do They Work For Dieting?

SARMs are “selective androgen receptor modulators”, compounds which selectively bind to androgen receptors in the body’s tissues to help manipulate our natural hormone levels. Androgens are hormones which signal the body to make changes – like the way testosterone signals the body to grow.

By binding to some of the receptors which receive these hormonal messages, SARMs can specifically boost some of those signals. The key here is in the “selective” part of the name. SARMs don’t bind to every receptor (unlike anabolic hormones, which do). They only bind to receptors in bone tissue and muscle tissue. This selective nature means you get more specific in what you want the SARM to do, and you can avoid a lot of the side effects associated with steroids.

Most SARMs were initially developed as a possible way to create certain medical conditions, specifically those related to loss of bone density, muscle mass, and strength. They caught the eye of researchers because they were able to bind only to the affected tissues, and not to anything else like internal organs.

SARMs can be taken as orals which makes them easier and more user-friendly than anabolics.

But what about using SARMs for fat loss? In this article, we will look at how to use SARMs for cutting (fat loss dieting) whether you want to do that for your health, your appearance, or as a bodybuilder.

The Best SARMs for Cutting

In order to put together the best SARMs stack for cutting, we’ll take a look at the different SARMs that are best for fat loss, and the reason why they make a good choice for your dieting phase.

Each of the different compounds below has superb fat-shedding qualities and these are often interchanged depending on the preferences of the individual user. In short, the best SARMs stack for cutting is the one that works for you! See which compounds fit your preferences and do your research – that is always the best way.

Andarine S4

Andarine, or S4, is a strong and potent SARM which is thought to increase fat oxidation and reduce lipoprotein lipase which is linked to fat accumulation in the body. Initially developed to combat conditions such as osteoporosis and muscle wastage, S-4 is one of the most researched SARMs which is always a positive aspect.

Andarine also helps increase muscle mass and strength. Even low doses of Andarine can help you maintain all your gains when you go into a calorie deficit to get lean. All in all, a good choice for cutting or body recomposition.

Best dose: start at 25mg/day split into 2-3 doses (4-6 hours apart), never go higher than 50mg/day and keep cycles to an 8-12 week maximum.


Ostarine MK 2866 really helps boost muscle gain because it increases the body’s levels of nitrogen and protein. This makes it a good choice for protecting muscle mass when you diet, avoiding that stringy, over-dieted look.

LGD-3303 (Not LGD-4033!)

A quick update here: LGD-3303 has now been patented by pharmaceutical company Ligand Pharmaceuticals Incorporated and is no longer available on the market.

LGD-3303 is a potent and highly selective androgen receptor full agonist in skeletal muscle, a classic target tissue for androgen action. By comparison, in the prostate and sebaceous glands, the compound is a weak partial agonist. The sparing of these non-target tissues by effective, pharmacologic doses of LGD-3303 provides a novel and potentially safer treatment for osteoporosis.

Source: Ligand Pharmaceuticals Incorporated

Here’s where our recommendation on the best SARMs stack for cutting is different from any other you may have seen online. Most will recommend Ligandrol but we beg to differ. LGD-3303 is the leaner, dryer, fuller and more vascular successor of Ligandrol (LGD 4033). For that reason, it undoubtedly takes the throne.


Cardarine GW 501516 isn’t actually a SARM but a PPAR gamma receptor agonist that binds to PPARδ receptors instead of androgen receptors like a SARM normally would.

Cardarine supports healthy cholesterol levels and increases your basal metabolic rate, which helps your body to burn more energy (aka fat) even when at rest. You might also feel an energy boost, which definitely helps when you are dieting in a calorie deficit! Cardarine is a compound we stack with pretty much anything; this one’s a winner all-round… even when bulking to mitigate fat gain.


Stenabolic SR 9009 is another on this list which isn’t actually a SARM (it’s a REV-ERB agonist) but it deserves a place on this list. As a REV-ERBα agonist, it can help manipulate certain functions relating to the metabolism, so you feel more energised, burn more stored fat, and get a boost to your metabolic rate even at rest. Stenabolic is also a compound we love to stack with pretty much anything.


MK-677 is a growth hormone secretagogue and stacks well with virtually anything. It is a very versatile compound that can be used for both bulking or cutting, depending on the accompanying diet and training plan (increased calories will support bulking and reduced calorie intake supports fat loss).

Glucose Disposal Agents

Although Glucose Disposal Agents aren’t SARMs, they deserve a mention. Nutrient partitioning often gets forgotten about but is so effective when it comes to body composition. A glucose disposal agent decreases the amount of insulin secreted by the body when eating a high-carbohydrate meal and shuttles glucose into muscle cells instead of storing them in fat cells. This results in reduced fat gain and a potential increase in lean muscle gain.

The Best SARMs Stack for Cutting

As we’ve already pointed out, you can stack different SARMs to assist you during a cut and there are different ways to mix and match the compounds that work best for the individual.

One of the best SARMs stack for cutting we’ve researched is for the more advanced and experienced:

  • Andarine S-4 – 50mg per day, 25mg in the a.m. and 25mg 4-6 hours later
  • Ostarine MK-2866 – 20mg per day, dosed once a day in the a.m.
  • GW/SR (SR-9009/Cardarine Blend) – 1 capsule in the a.m, 1 capsule in the p.m.
  • MK-677 – 20mg per day, dosed once per day (can be reduced to 10mg if appetite increase is unmanageable).

5 Keys To Getting Shredded

Remember that there are several aspects to getting that lean, shredded look. Sure, you need to reduce your body fat. But you also want to increase muscle mass, and – crucially – retain as much muscle as possible even as you diet to lose fat. It’s a difficult task, but SARMs can make it much easier.

1 A calorie deficit

You need to be in a calorie deficit to lose body fat, it doesn’t matter what kind of diet you follow – a calorie deficit is crucial. This means making sure your total “calories out” are higher than your “calories in”

2 Sufficient protein intake

Eating enough protein will help you build muscle, maintain muscle, and it will help keep you feeling fuller (protein has the highest Thermic Effect Of Food of any macronutrient) which will help diet compliance

3 Training frequency

We now know that training frequency is the most important factor in muscle gain and muscle retention, ideally train each major muscle group every 72 hours

4 Load and volume

Within that training, you need to put enough load (weight) and volume (weight x sets x reps) through the muscles

5 Appetite and energy management

Get control of your appetite, eating habits, and your energy output to increase your success with getting super-lean and shredded!

What’s the Best PCT for SARMs?

Although PCT is a very subjective matter, it’s often recommended to run a PCT such as Pro PCT (6-OXO).

Pumping Iron Pro PCT (6-OXO)
Pumping Iron Pro PCT (6-OXO)


Pumping Iron Pro PCT (6-OXO) is an innovative, advanced solution for male athletes who use SARMs and prohormones. Formulated with a potent aromatase inhibitor – 6-OXO – this supplement can be used as both preventative care against estrogen related side effects while cycling or during post cycle therapy to aid in recovery.

  • Strongest aromatase inhibitor on the market
  • Increases lean muscle mass
  • Reduces conversion of testosterone to estradiol
  • Supports muscle retention
  • Increases testosterone:estrogen ratio
  • Suitable for vegans (HMPC Veg Cap)


5 amazing benefits of ostarine mk-2866

5 Surprising Benefits of Ostarine MK-2866

Discover everything you need to know about the popular SARM Ostarine, also known as MK-2866. Ostarine is one of the most popular SARMs in the bodybuilding and physique world – no surprise once you learn about the potential effects of this research-backed compound.

What Is Ostarine?

If you’ve been around the bodybuilding or physique sport world for even a short while, you’ve probably heard about Ostarine. But what is this compound, why do some people use it, and should you consider it (or should you look for a better alternative)? To begin, it’s worth mentioning that this is widely considered one of the safest anabolic SARMs on the market.

MK-2866 is a SARM (Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator) which is popular with strength, power and physique athletes who are looking for ways to boost muscle mass and strength with fewer or no side effects compared to harsher compounds such as steroids or prohormones. It was originally developed to help treat muscle-wasting conditions, so you can understand why bodybuilders are drawn to it. It preserves lean tissue when conditions would usually lead to catabolism (for example, dieting or high-frequency training).

How Does MK-2866 Work?

Like any SARM, MK-2866 can mimic testosterone (the primary anabolic hormone), stimulates the body’s androgen receptors and boosts the steroid hormone receptors. It can activate stem cells, helping to regenerate and build muscle and bone tissue – exactly what bodybuilders want. For this reason, MK-2866 is thought to have fewer side-effects than anabolic steroids because SARMs do not affect the organs. They are very selective by their very nature, which is the main advantage of any SARM. Of course, this can change if someone stacks Ostarine with an anabolic steroid.

Ostarine is renowned for improving both training performance (strength and power) and physique appearance (through bigger, denser muscle mass). However, its noteworthy advantage is injury repair and recovery; it has an excellent affinity for joint repair in particular.

Muscle Gain & Recovery with MK-2866

One reason many bodybuilders use MK-2866 is for its impact on the IGF-1 gene, as well as muscle cells and cells in connective tissues. Ostarine may stimulate these cells which means faster recovery from training stress. Less time out for recovery (or less soreness during your next training session) means you can train more frequently, achieving a greater workload across the training week. This is likely to result in greater muscle growth from the training stimulus.

In one human study of 120 healthy elderly people, Ostarine significantly increased lean muscle mass as well as fitness levels with no side effects or steroid-like risks.

5 Potential Effects Of Ostarine

There are five key reasons a bodybuilder might choose to use Ostarine.

#1 Muscle gain
The SARM is often used as a compound to aid muscle gain because of its effect on stimulating muscle cells. Not only does this mean you may gain additional muscle tissue but you are likely to protect the muscle mass you already have (important during a fat loss phase).

#2 Recovery
It can mean faster recovery from DOMS and training fatigue. This means you can train more frequently and you can push harder during each session.

#3 Fat loss
It is thought to slow or stop muscle breakdown (catabolism) whilst the body is getting leaner. This means you can push harder during a dieting phase without the usual worry about losing muscle, resulting in the holy grail of lean gains.

#4 Cardiovascular health
Ostarine can have a number of benefits for heart health, including reduction of triglycerides, reduced lipids and reduced total cholesterol. It may also help lower blood glucose levels and improve insulin resistance.

#5 Increased metabolic rate
It is thought to increase base metabolic rate, meaning you will burn more calories during training, NEAT and cardio. It can also increase endurance and give you better stamina, which will also mean longer more intense training sessions. All these combined means you are likely to burn more calories – good news if you are trying to get shredded.

How Long Does MK-2866 Take to Work?

As with most supplements, one of the most commons questions asked is how long MK-2866 takes to work. Anecdotal evidence shows that people tend to feel a great sense of ‘wellbeing’ within 2-3 days of using Ostarine. A sense of vitality, positive mood, good energy and holistic ‘balance’.

Many bodybuilders and athletes report noticeable consistent strength gains within the first 2-3 weeks of using the compound. In terms of physical changes; body composition and muscle definition, results will usually be seen to the eye from 4 weeks onwards, however, it’s important to understand that this ultimately comes down to so many individual factors. Your current body composition, your goals, your training and diet, as well as recovery protocols. Everyone will respond to different compounds in different ways whilst your efforts and commitment will play an even bigger part in how quickly you see results.

Ostarine & Bodybuilding

MK-2866 is best known for is building muscle and burning fat – two things all bodybuilders are interested in at some point during their lifting career (even if they never want to step on stage).

Muscle gain: remember how we said Ostarine was originally developed to help tackle muscle wasting diseases? People who want to build more muscle tissue, and hang on to the muscle they’ve got, can use MK-2866 to harness those anti-catabolic effects.

Fat burning: Ostarine has muscle preserving properties, meaning you can diet more aggressively or for longer without losing muscle tissue. Retaining muscle during a diet phase means you’ll also retain more strength, so you can train harder and heavier, all leading to a positive circle of lean gains.

But there’s more than muscle building and boosted fat-burning abilities. Ostarine can also boost bone health, help reduce LDL and triglycerides and improve insulin resistance. These are all things which can be attractive to bodybuilders looking to gain mass and strength.

How to Stack Ostarine

Bodybuilders use Ostarine in a few different ways. This is what you need to know.

Using Ostrarine by itself: Ostarine MK-2866 can be used alone. It should be used as a cycle (like any SARM) of 12 weeks for men, up to 8 weeks for women. Men should use between 15-25mg and women should use 5-10mg. Ostarine has a half-life of 24 hours so there is no need to split the dose across the day.

With other SARMs: bodybuilders typically stack Ostarine with other popular SARMs, like Ibutamoren MK677 or Ligandrol LGD-4033. Ostarine can also be used in a so-called “triple SARM” stack of Ostarine plus Andarine and Cardarine (although Cardarine isn’t a true SARM).

Choose The Best Ostarine Supplement

Like any SARM, it’s important you choose the best-quality Ostarine MK-2866 supplement. Don’t go for the cheapest product. Check the label carefully and look for smart ingredients which are designed to optimise the product’s effectiveness so you see the best gains.

We love our best selling Mutagenic Labz Ostagainz, which delivers 10mg of pure Ostarine MK-2866 along with Piperine in every dose (to aid digestion and absorption). It’s non-liver-toxic, has no androgenic activity, and promises minimal side effects – with maximum results. Click here to try it for yourself. Choose an Ostarine product you can trust, backed by a reliable name in bodybuilding supplements.

We should point out that Ostarine – like all SARMs – is not approved for use in tested strength and physique sports but for those of you who don’t want to compete with the tested federations? There are so many reasons to try Ostarine by itself or as a stack, whether you’re dieting, bulking, or aiming for a body recomposition phase.

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