Best Testolone RAD-140 Dosage

RAD-140 Dosage and Complete Cycle Guide for Maximum Gains

Arguably one of the most talked-about compounds on the bodybuilding scene today, we’re going to look at the optimum RAD-140 dosage and cycle protocol that will give you the gains that you’re looking for.

RAD 140 – also known as Testolone – is a popular SARM with benefits including muscle gain and fat loss. But, as with any compound, it’s important that anyone considering to research Testolone knows the best RAD-140 dosage and cycle protocols to take. So here is everything we currently know about what dose to use, cycle length and stacking methods for best results.

What is RAD-140?

Testolone was developed as an investigational drug which might be able to treat muscle wasting diseases and help patients build muscle. It is a SARM (selective androgen receptor modulator), which works by selectively binding to some androgen receptors in the body – specifically those in muscle tissue and bone tissue. These receptors “talk to” the steroid hormones called androgens, including testosterone.

RAD 140 is thought to help increase muscle mass, boost fat burning and fat loss, and may even have neuroprotective benefits. It is also popular with men who are experiencing low testosterone levels and want to boost their physical performance and physique alongside getting their test levels up.

However, there have been no human studies on RAD 140 so far, and the long term risks and benefits are unknown. As with any SARM, do your research.

Like all SARMs, RAD 140 is on the WADA banned list so you should not use it if you are going to compete in tested events or take part in professional sports.

5 Benefits of Testolone

SARMs are popular with bodybuilders and people wanting to get bigger, stronger, and leaner. RAD 140 is no different in that respect. Here are the top benefits of Testolone for people who train in the gym.

1 Muscle growth

RAD 140 boosts the body’s development of proteins and muscle cells and can help stimulate muscle growth. Because SARMs are selective in the receptors they bind to, RAD 140 shouldn’t give unwanted side effects.

2 Repair and recovery

RAD 140 has been found to trigger the MAPK pathway which plays a part in protecting and repairing cells, and some users report better sleep. In one study scientists were able to use RAD-140 to activates receptors in damaged sections of the brain. The resulting reaction was a signal known as the MAPK pathway which is known to protect brain cells.

3 Bulking

Some SARMs are stronger and better for muscle gain, others are good for cutting. RAD 140 seems to be a better choice for a bulk.

4 Brain health

RAD 140 interacts with androgen receptors, and androgens are important for protecting brain health. RAD 140 may be able to help improve memory and cognitive health.

5 Fat loss

RAD 140 has been shown to improve cholesterol levels and boost muscle mass which can also help you burn fat and get leaner for better body composition.

With all these potential benefits, it’s no surprise bodybuilders are attracted to Testolone for training, fat loss, muscle gain, and recovery.

Best RAD-140 Dosage and Cycles

The lack of human studies means it’s difficult to give specific advice on how to dose RAD 140, but we can tell you what other people do. Anecdotal evidence is currently the best source of information regarding the research of SARMs. Below are some examples of popular RAD-140 dosage and cycle research methods.

Male esearchers begin at a dose of 10mg/day and increase to no more than 30mg/day.

Although RAD-140 is not recommended for women, those who do decide to research this drug will start with 5mg/day and increase to no more than 10mg/day.

A cycle length will generally last between 8-12 weeks following by a 4-week PCT and “off-cycle” break period.

RAD-140 is suppressive. It is critical that you are familiar and prepared with your PCT protocol before you start your cycle to avoid unwanted side-effects.

Some people stack Testolone with other SARMs, popular choices seem to be Ligandrol (for bulking), Ibutamoren, Ostarine, or Cardarine (for cutting).

Best RAD-140 Dosage for Bulking

The best RAD-140 dosage for gaining mass is 20mg-30mg/day for 12 weeks, with an off-cycle of 12 weeks. This lengthen cycle means you get maximum benefits of the strength gains, so you can train harder and lift more for the duration of a successful bulk. You’ll avoid most of the training fatigue typically experienced during a serious training block, and consequently, you’ll be able to keep training harder and increase your lifts throughout your bulking cycle.

RAD-140 Bulking Cycle

Testolone RAD-140 – 10mg per day, dosed once a day in the a.m.
Ligandrol LGD-4033 – 10mg per day dosed once a day in the a.m.
Ostarine MK-2866 – 25mg per day, dosed once a day in the a.m.

Best RAD-140 Dosage for Cutting

Testolone can also be used on a cut. Remember, it was originally developed to help prevent muscle wastage – and this is exactly what you want to do when you are in an extended calorie deficit. If you can hang on to more muscle when you are dieting, not only will you look better but your metabolic rate will stay higher.

The best RAD-140 dosage for cutting is slightly lower than that of a bulking phase if you are in a caloric deficit and primarily aiming for its anti-catabolic properties.

RAD-140 Cycle for Cutting

Testolone RAD-140 – 10mg per day, dosed once a day in the a.m.
Cardarine GW-501516 – 20mg per day, dosed once a day in the a.m.
Stenabolic SR-9009 – 30mg per day, 5mg split doses 2-3 hours apart

Best RAD-140 Dosage for Recomposition

Body-recomposition allows a person to build lean muscle mass whilst dropping body fat simultaneously. We said it here, yes it’s possible to lose body fat and gain muscle at the same time. With that in mind, the RAD-140 dosage is higher than on a ‘cut’ and adding Andarine into the mix to maximise lean gains.

RAD-140 Cycle for Body-Recomposition

Testolone RAD-140 – 20mg per day, dosed once a day in the a.m.
Cardarine GW-501516 – 20mg per day, dosed once a day in the a.m.
Stenabolic SR-9009 – 30mg per day, 5mg split doses 2-3 hours apart
Andarine S-4 – 50mg per day, 25mg in the a.m. and 25mg 4-6 hours later

Best RAD-140 Dosage for Strength

This stack makes use of the powerful synergistic effects of RAD-140 and S-4 when stacked together. Throwing Cardarine into the mix further maximises performance, which ultimately carries over to strength gains.

RAD-140 Cycle for Strength & Power

Testolone RAD-140 – 20mg per day, dosed once a day in the a.m.
Cardarine GW-501516 – 20mg per day, dosed once a day in the a.m.
Andarine S-4 – 50mg per day, 25mg in the a.m. and 25mg 4-6 hours later

Best RAD-140 Dosage for Lean Gains

This stack is the same as the re-composition stack but your own diet manipulation is what comes into play. Increasing your calorie and/or protein intake will optimise results for lean mass gains, increasing muscle protein synthesis whilst mitigating fat gain.

RAD-140 Cycle for Maximum Lean Mass Gains

Testolone RAD-140 – 20mg per day, dosed once a day in the a.m.
Cardarine GW-501516 – 20mg per day, dosed once a day in the a.m.
Stenabolic SR-9009 – 30mg per day, 5mg split doses 2-3 hours apart
Andarine S-4 – 50mg per day, 25mg in the a.m. and 25mg 4-6 hours later

Does Testolone Need A PCT?

All SARMs have the potential to suppress the body’s natural hormone levels and impact testosterone production, to varying degrees.

RAD-140 is one of the more potent SARMs and it is suppressive. It is critical that you are familiar and prepared with your PCT protocol before you start your cycle to avoid unwanted side-effects.

cardarine review photos blog

Cardarine Review: Your Guide To GW-501516

Read our Cardarine review to understand what it is and why it seems to be shaking things up in the bodybuilding industry! What exactly is Cardarine and what are the benefits for muscle gain and fat loss?

Cardarine (also known as GW 501516) is a very interesting compound that you might have seen cropping up more and more in the bodybuilding and fitness community recently. It is often referred to as a SARM, mainly because it’s often found in the same category as other SARMs and often stacked alongside them. GW actually a PPAR-delta activator. In this article, we discuss what this means, how GW501516 works and why many bodybuilders are turning to Cardarine to help them gain muscle, lose fat, improve their physique and train harder in the gym.

What is Cardarine GW 501516?

Although some people call Cardarine a SARM, it is not actually a selective androgen receptor modulator. Cardarine is actually a PPAR-delta activator but it works in similar ways to a SARM and that’s why bodybuilders and gym trainees are attracted to it for muscle gain, strength gain and fat loss.

Cardarine was originally developed as a potential medical asset for prevention of tumours but it soon showed other benefits: it could help reduce body fat, control body weight, raise the metabolic rate, increase rates of muscle growth, and boost endurance. No wonder bodybuilders are keen to take a closer look!

Like all drugs of its type, Cardarine is banned by WADA and can not be used in professional sport or in any tested competitions – that includes drug tested bodybuilding contests.

Cardarine Review Alongside Trenbolone

Cardarine pairs well with Trenbolone because it can counteract a lot of the negative side effects such as night sweats, reduced endurance, loss of libido, shortness of breath, increased blood pressure and a poor balance between cholesterol levels (high LDL and low HDL).

Tren severely reduces your cardiovascular potential so using Cardarine alongside a Tren cycle makes a very noticeable improvement. Cardarine improves endurance levels and helps athletes to push further, recover faster and greatly improves their cardiovascular health.

Studies have shown that GW-501516 has a positive impact on the balance between HDL and LDL cholesterol which can offset the negative side effects of Trenbolone.

In one study, Cardarine increased HDL cholesterol and decreased triglycerides, insulin, and LDL cholesterol, which may altogether decrease the risk of heart disease.

A number of studies have also shown that Cardarine helps to lower high blood pressure.

Cardarine Review – Before & After Photos

Cardarine is one of the best compounds when it comes to boosting fat loss and increasing your endurance, energy and stamina. This PPAR modulator has been proven through valid research to have many health benefits but its performance benefits are its top advantages.

When it comes to fat loss, you’ll notice a major difference as well as an increase in vascularity as Cardarine promotes the burning of fat as a source of fuel. You’ll also see dramatically reduced recovery times after working out, and even a boost in your mood.

cardarine before and after
Cardarine 12-week cycle before and after photos
  • Incredible endurance enhancement
  • Dramatically reduced recovery time
  • Works from the first dose
  • Improves your mood
  • Enhances fat loss
  • Ideal for interval/cardio training
  • Stackable with other SARMs
  • Is NOT a stimulant and doesn’t increase heart-rate
  • Can be stacked with any other fat burners for maximum fat-burning potential

Read our blog to see more SARMs Before and After Photos.

How Does Cardarine Work?

Cardarine GW 501516 binds to the PPAR-delta nuclear receptors which are mostly in your muscles and stimulates some of the genes which govern how your body uses energy. By doing these two things, Cardarine can:

  • Help you burn more body fat – by preventing fatty acid chains from being formed, and therefore stopping your body from storing fat, so your system has to use stood fat for energy
  • Preserve existing muscle mass – when you are in an energy deficit and your body is forced to use fat for fuel, Cardarine can also protect muscle mass from catabolism
  • Faster recovery – Cardarine may increase the amount of oxygen which gets to your muscles, helping you recover from training sessions

Cardarine Review for Bodybuilding

1 Fat burning

Cardarine can help you burn more body fat by encouraging your body to use stored fat for fuel, by stimulating glucose, and by activating some of the genes involves in fat burning.

2 Bulking and cutting

Cardarine can be stacked with other SARMs to encourage fat loss, boost training performance, and help you maintain muscle mass when dieting – ideal for cutting and bulking cycles.

3 Brain health

Cardarine can improve blood flow to the brain, protecting brain vessels, boosting the growth of nerve cells, and reducing problematic inflammation.

4 Training endurance

Cardarine stimulates your body’s use of glucose for fuel, which means you can probably train longer and harder. More training = more muscle gain!

5 Muscle growth

Cardarine activates the PPAR-delta which boosts muscle fibres, gives you increased energy and means you can train for longer too.

6 Heart health

Cardarine may have a protective benefit for your blood vessels, reducing oxidative damage and plaque build-up, and increasing your levels of nitric oxide.

How To Dose Cardarine

Cardarine is kind of an all-rounder, you can use it for cutting or bulking cycles. It has a half life of 16 hours, so you will need to split your daily total dose into two doses. Start with 10mg/day (5mg twice per day), ideally with one dose 2-3 hours before you train. Run Cardarine for a maximum of 12 weeks, followed by a 6 week off-cycle break.

Can You Stack Cardarine?

A Cardarine Review wouldn’t be complete without some stack suggestions, so here they are! GW can be stacked with most other compounds. It mitigates fat-gain during bulking cycles, increases fat-loss during cutting cycles, and enhances endurance and performance all-round. Here are the most popular SARMs stacks:

Body-Recomposition Stack

  • Cardarine GW-501516
  • Ligandrol LGD-4033
  • Andarine S-4

Cutting Stack

  • Testolone RAD-140
  • Cardarine GW-501516
  • Stenabolic SR-9009
  • Andarine S-4

Strength Stack

  • Testolone RAD-140
  • Cardarine GW-501516
  • Andarine S-4

Bridging Stack

  • Andarine S-4
  • Ostarine MK-2866
  • Cardarine GW-501516
  • Stenabolic SR-9009

Endurance Stack

  • Cardarine GW-501516
  • Stenabolic SR-9009

Bulking Stack (with minimum fat-gain)

  • Cardarine GW-501516
  • Ostarine MK-2866
  • Ligandrol LGD-4033
  • Testolone RAD-140

Does Cardarine Have Any Side-Effects?

Like any compound, you should be sensible about using Cardarine. This includes looking out for side effects. Cardarine won’t suppress your natural hormone levels. It is always recommended to start off with lower doses and assess response and adaptation. If there is anything we haven’t covered in this Cardarine Review, see our Guide to Cardarine for more information.

andarine s4 benefits dosages blog

Andarine S4: Benefits, Dosages (Complete Guide)

Andarine (also known as S4) is a powerful selective androgen receptor modulator which can support muscle growth, mass, and density. This article will tell you everything you need to know about this increasingly favourable compound.

What Is Andarine S4?

Andarine S4 is a SARM (a selective androgen receptor modulator) sometimes also known as SARM S4. Like many SARMs, it has positive benefits on muscle mass, muscle gain and anabolism (helping you build muscle tissue and minimise muscle loss). But Andarine is stronger and more potent than many other SARMs.

Different SARMs have different levels of potency and this shows up in the results you can expect (and in what timeframe). What you need to know about Andarine is that it is pretty strong as SARMs go – so you can expect measurable results in a short time frame.

But there are some side effects to watch out for and we’ll detail those further in this article. However, Andarine is selective in which receptors it binds too, so side effects should be minimal if you are healthy and stick to recommended dosages.

Andarine works by binding to androgen receptors (in muscle tissue and bone tissue) which encourages your body to grow muscle. As a by-product of this, you’ll get stronger in the gym, you’ll be able to lift more and recover faster which will lead to yet more muscle gain.

Andarine S4 has been through human trials but no studies were published. There is some limited information which suggests that S-4 was described as the ideal SARM due to its single-day dosing, complete oral bioavailability and significant anabolic effects.

Understand The Benefits Of Andarine S4

Andarine can be used for bulking, cutting, body recomposition, strength gains, or competition prep but please remember you can not use Andarine – or any SARM – if you compete in drug-tested sport, including tested bodybuilding competitions because SARMs are banned by WADA.

  1. Dense muscle tissue – Andarine is renowned for giving that hard, dry look to muscles (which is why bodybuilder like it). Ideal if you want a full, pumped look
  2. Fat loss – Andarine seems to help with fat loss, possibly because it increases the metabolism of body fat and suppresses HSL (hormone-sensitive lipase)
  3. Strength gains – Andarine helps you build strength, and you may notice significant strength gains within a few weeks
  4. Dry gains – you shouldn’t experience water retention with SARM S4, meaning your muscle gains will look dry, not watery
  5. High bioavailability – meaning Andarine is absorbed into your system quickly, so it gets to work rapidly, even at low doses

You can see why S-4 is popular with bodybuilders, powerlifters, and other strength and power athletes. Just be careful with tested competition – like we’ve said, Andarine is banned (as are all SARMs) by WADA.

Are There Any Side Effects Of Andarine S4?

You should stay open to the possibility of side effects with any compound or medicine. Andarine is no different. Remember, SARMs were originally developed as potential medical solutions to physical issues, and most drugs have some potential side effects.

So what are the side effects of Andarine, and how can you minimise the chance of them happening? There are two key side effects to be aware of:

  • Night vision disturbance – some people report a kind of yellow tinge to their vision at night (probably because SARM S4 binds to receptors in the eyes). This shouldn’t be a problem – unless you work shifts, or need to drive or operate any kind of machinery at night. Most of these reports come from people taking high doses of Andarine.
  • Testosterone suppression – S4 does impact your natural test levels, and you will need to do a PCT (post cycle therapy) after using Andarine. Another way to keep this risk to a minimum is to run short cycles of 8 weeks maximum.

How To Use Andarine, Best Dosages

The best way to minimise the risks of any side effects is to get informed about how to use Andarine. This includes how much (dosages), how often (should you split the dose), and for how long (cycle length).

Andarine is a strong SARM, which means you can see good results even at low doses, so there is no need to take high doses – in fact, this just opens you up to more risk of side effects, for no need.

  • Start with 20mg-25mg Andarine a day.
  • Split your dose (whatever dose you take) into 2-3 doses per day. Take a dose in the morning, and one with your pre-training meal. If you are taking 1/3 dose, do this 4 hours after your previous dose.
  • After 2 weeks, assess your progress and results
  • If your progress has slowed down or stopped, increase the dose by 5mg per week for the rest of your cycle.
  • Do not keep increasing the dose all the while you are getting results – only increase it if your results stop.
  • Never go higher than 50mg/day (in fact, 35mg/day is a high dose).
  • Never take Andarine S4 for longer than 8 weeks (6-8 weeks is the least risky).

Andarine vs Other Popular SARMs

S4 is sometimes stacked with Ostarine (for cutting). Ostarine can be beneficial for building muscle mass and body recomposition. Andarine can also be stacked with Cardarine (for strength training), or with Ligandrol (for bulking). Remember, Andarine is already a strong SARM so there is no real need to stack.

Andarine S4 is a powerful SARM which is a kind of all-rounder, helping build muscle mass, burn body fat, and boost strength. But remember it is banned by WADA and can not be used for any tested sport or competition.

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